Cuckoo Marans chick... he or she ?

Looks like a pullet to me. The comb looks a bit white skin makes flushing from stress/excitement more obvious. The dark coloring indicates female.
Wow, really? I, as you can see from the posts, had this one as a roo for sure. You would know far better than I do, so are cuckoo marans auto sexing or not?
Do they have the spot/no spot on the head, always?
In barred/cuckoo breeds both genders have the spit....the spot is indicative of barred genetics. Only in sex links based on barring(crosses where the female parent is barred and Male parent is not) is there going to be chicks with and chicks without the spot which is indicative of gender. Male chicks inherit the barring of the female parent, and have the head spot, female chicks do not so have no spot

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