Cuckoo marans

I have two cuckoo hens and neither of them have well developed combs like yours. If it starts to crow that will be your sign. LOL!
Well, now her feet are looking more yellowish. Brings me back to thinking barred rock again. I sure am confused about which breed she is. I put her pic on a thread for help with identifying breeds also and that's what the two people who responded seem to think she is. I guess time will tell.
I was given a cuckoo marans hen a couple months ago, I have suspicions that it could be a rooster. I have no idea how old & haven't seen it crow or lay an egg yet. Also, can a cuckoo marans have gold & green flecks in it? I'm seeing a little show through & wondering if its even a cuckoo marans at this point, but I'm new to the breed & fairly clueless.
Hi Amanda, I'm pretty sure you have a Cuckoo Marans. I used to have Barred Rocks, and their legs were VERY yellow. Cuckoo's legs are pinkish white, which is what I'm seeing on yours. I also think you have a pullet because of her dark plumage. A cockerel should be much lighter. I'm not sure about the gold and green flecks. One explanation could be that a Copper Marans was used somewhere along the line in breeding. According to the MOAC, this would cause the appearance of coppery feathers. ( When you find out for sure if this is a cockerel or pullet, I'd love to know.
I heard back from the breeder, and will receive a replacement pullet. I plan now to keep the rooster as he has shown to be a good bird. the neighborhood noise with car alarms going off, and dogs barking is probably louder than a single rooster.
Thank you!
Hi Amanda, I'm pretty sure you have a Cuckoo Marans.  I used to have Barred Rocks, and their legs were VERY yellow.  Cuckoo's legs are pinkish white, which is what I'm seeing on yours.  I also think you have a pullet because of her dark plumage.  A cockerel should be much lighter.  I'm not sure about the gold and green flecks.  One explanation could be that a Copper Marans was used somewhere along the line in breeding.  According to the MOAC, this would cause the appearance of coppery feathers.  (  When you find out for sure if this is a cockerel or pullet, I'd love to know.
Well, my 2 cuckoo Marans are 26 weeks now and Im waiting on eggs! They remain the most skittish in the flock. Also the fattest! They don't cause any drama in the group, not big on pecking the others, have no interest in being top hen.

My Cuckoos have just started laying. The eggs are darker brown but not solid in color. More finely speckled. Is this normal?
I was given a cuckoo marans hen a couple months ago, I have suspicions that it could be a rooster. I have no idea how old & haven't seen it crow or lay an egg yet. Also, can a cuckoo marans have gold & green flecks in it? I'm seeing a little show through & wondering if its even a cuckoo marans at this point, but I'm new to the breed & fairly clueless.

This looks like a rooster to me. See the dark green sickle feathers in his tail, and his tail stance? The reddish mottling around the wings is also typical of males.

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