In the Brooder
I have had chickens only for about 1yr now. I messed up and brought home some grown rir's and I've caught all kinds of heck ever since.. big mistake :/ I've lost 5 or 6 birds, I have 17 now..currently I'm treating the flock with terra vet 10 for gurgly sounds and infected eyes.. it's not bad, the birds are eating and drinking good, combs are a little pale but red for the most part. Their very active for sick chickens... It's just really starting to upset me because it seems they will get well, I'll wait for the withdrawal period to end and things go back to normal. The people up the road feel it necessary to have 30-40 "wild",dogs running around their property and everyone else's and they always come over here and stress my birds, often relapsing my chickens... It's hard finding .22 bullets.. I don't sell eggs for eating or hatching. I don't sell birds ever. We eat the extra roosters we hatch and eat the eggs ourselves, that's all their for.. I'm getting tired of dealing with this really. I have a lot of money invested in my birds, black copper marans, seramas and true rumpless araucanas.. if you were in my shoes, would you keep exterminating the dogs and treating the chickens, or would you cull the whole flock and start over. What would I use for disinfecting everything and how long of a wait before I can repopulate if I were to cull? Is it safe to eat the chickens and eggs with a flock with crd? It's not too much trouble to add tetracycline to their water when this happens, it's just very stressful for me having to deal with this every 6 months it seems.. everything was fine, I didn't have a problem for many months, went on a business trip for 4wks and my wife neglected to close the coop at night and left then running around the yard all day and the neighbors dogs that don't know what a bullet is came over and took out 10 chickens, stressed out the remaining chickens and now I have another outbreak.eeeeeeeeehh... Thanks in advance