Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

They're doing very well! We got more chicken fence and opened up their foraging area into the food forest. They seem pleased with their new addition. lol
I love that! I wish I could let my chickens into the forest area, but I'm afraid of raccoons around here, so they will have to be content with the orchard, which is very secure.

Mine are doing well, I just have way more than I ever thought I would. lol Of course, I cannot part with any of them, so that is that. And I constantly have one broody or another sitting on a dozen eggs, but so far they have not been successful. That's fine with me, but I feel back for them. They are trying so hard. I think the problem is one rooster and 18 hens. He just cannot keep up with them all. lol But he is a good guy and we don't want another one in there to fight with him.

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