Cup o' Joe and Tea Too

I feel emotionally wore out, like I had given birth to quintuplets or something.. ha ha ha
I know just how you feel. I just hatched 5 in the incubator a month ago. And lost #6. It was hard. I don't know what goes wrong with just one chick. But the 5 or so exciting!! :wee BTW, I'm brooding my in a segregated area of the chicken coop and run, so they are growing up right next to all the chickens right from the start. They were only a few days old when I moved them to the coop portion, and began letting them outside in a safe area of the secure run at a couple weeks old. They are the happiest chicks ever!!! :ya
Funny thing I found out with the first two batches of babies in the brooder. When you tap on something the babies all come running to see what you are tapping on... hand becomes mom, tapping finger becomes beak to them. So, to get them to come to the food, I tap on the feeder and they come scrambling to see what it is.. same with the water. No need to dunk beaks in the water.. just tap on the pebbles in the water, and their face is in it.
Funny thing I found out with the first two batches of babies in the brooder. When you tap on something the babies all come running to see what you are tapping on... hand becomes mom, tapping finger becomes beak to them. So, to get them to come to the food, I tap on the feeder and they come scrambling to see what it is.. same with the water. No need to dunk beaks in the water.. just tap on the pebbles in the water, and their face is in it.
That's so cute. :love Love little chicks.
The eggs are still hatching I took away from the broody LF cochins before I sold them. Had one hatch tonight I had to help as it was a bit sticky. Not sure if any more will hatch. A few bantam cochin eggs in there too from broodies.
My polish broody either never hatched any chicks or they were killed and consumed. Not liking that.
Saturday Peanuts.jpg

Hope everyone has a great day!
I'm wondering.. .out of six eggs, I had 3 pip and hatch before a completed 21 days... now it's 12 hours past the 21 days mark, and 2 of the other 3 are hatched or pipping... early birds male, and late hatches female?
Old wives tale, but if you band the early hatchers you can verify that.

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