Curiosity has the best of me - Vegetarians.

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I have done it for weight loss,to see the changes in my bloodwork results,and to save money. Turkey bacon is pretty good.Have not tried the meatless versions.I am not so much into fake meats,but dd and I do like the veggie burgers.

Back in the Hungarian village grams live in we would cook up some seasoned bacon(meat,fat,and skin) over a fire.Ate it with bread fresh from the oven,and veggies from the garden.Now that was unhealthy eating that fatty bacon,but oh my did the combination of everything taste so good. Despite the meats and fats everyone lived quite long in that village.More hands on work compared to the life their kids now live.
I was a vegetarian for several years. Really, to be completely honest, the main reason was that I simply don't like meat. I don't dislike it per se, nor do I have any substantial moral issue with meat (at least not the meat that we typically eat in our home). I added meat back into my diet several years ago due to some health problems that I personally felt could be improved by adding more meat and animal products back in my diet.

Really though, for me, it was always more of a taste (and texture) thing and the fact that I *love* veggies. I have never ate a vegetable (or fruit, although I don't eat a lot) that I didn't like. It was easier to be vegetarian since I loved the taste of vegetables and dislike the taste of meat. Part of it is in how I was raised too. We ate almost exclusively farm raised or wild caught meat and LOTS of fresh produce. The meat was rarely the main focus of the meal and it was a different flavor and texture than the commercially produced meat that was easier to buy when I became an adult. To this day, I cannot stand the taste of the typical broiler/poultry meat (too soggy) or the taste of frozen fish. I have never been able to stand *any* pork or most red meats either. It is not as much a moral issue for me as a simple issue of likes and dislikes.
Yes, I've done the vegetarian for health - family needed better blood work results, weight loss, etc. On the other hand, I can't have soy, milk (any species), gluten, coconut. Vegetarian is easier to avoid all the chemical additives my body doesn't tolerate. Compromised with a grass fed local beef in our freezer and our own eggs. I do eat a lot of eggs; we all do and need more chickens to cover that as now no one likes the store bought eggs. Or beef. *sigh* what happens when I find the local bacon and pork? I will have to move, because we, for some reason, can't fit a pig and a steer into the subdivision backyard, along with the growing chicken flock (Hey, I want some ducks and maybe a couple turkeys?) and a big garden.

It's MUCH more affordable to be veggie if there's a good market nearby and my garden does well! Easier too!

YES it does remarkable things to bad blood work - chloresterol, triglycerides, high or low sugars, liver function...
The opposite of that happened to me, health wise, while I was a vegetarian. It wreaked absolute havoc on my health, StupidBird. I don't want to hijack the thread with that conversation because, in the past, it seemed to be a discussion here that ruffled some feathers on both sides, LOL. For me though, being vegetarian was a mistake. My blood sugar and cholesterol went through the roof and insulin was high at the same time as my blood sugar because I became insulin resistant. I put on a huge amount of weight (for me) and developed Diabetes. All of that almost instantly improved when I added a little meat back to my diet to the point I no longer even require meds. I was a "good" vegetarian to boot, making sure I always had a source of protein. It wasn't enough. Even the good vegetarian protein sources tend to be high in carbohydrates. The carbs then can wreak havoc on your insulin, blood sugar, and cholesterol. I will leave it at that as this was just my experience. As always, YMMV.
I have been veg and found it easier to be an omnivore. Yep, I eat meat because I am that little bit lazy.
It is easy to grill a piece of fish, steam some rice & nuke broccoli.

It is time-consuming to prepare all the yummy, wholesome things that make a healthful vegetarian diet. I do love all the beans and rice, spreads like hummus, and wonderful veg casseroles. I do not feel like I have the time. Often, I have seen people become what I call "Cheese Pizza Vegetarians". I do not want to embrace that lifestyle.
I was veg for convenience ( then-hubby was veg) and because I felt that society mistreated animals very unnecesarily, in a number of ways. I gave it up the first time when I was pregnant because I craved red meat so badly. Turned out I was anemic, despite carefully replacing the things in my diet that meat provided, or so I thought.

I used to love a ribeye above all else. I now eat any meat except beef. The reason? After years of not eating it, it tastes rotten to me! Evidently, I will never enjoy the unique flavor of a good steak again. Sigh.
I have seen a lot of that too, Chicken Maven. That is why I tried to specify state that I was a "good" vegetarian, or at least as good as I possibly could be (I worked in a natural food store and also a restaurant that focused on "fresh", largely vegetarian foods). I have known so many vegetarians that really lived on process pasta with sauce, pizza, lasagna, etc...not a very balanced diet. Of course, the opposite of that is the case with some meat eaters as well. I know plenty of them that live on predominately fast food. Either path is probably bad I think. Balance is important! You can really I think have a healthy diet (most people) being vegetarian, carnivore, omnivore, whatever... It was harder for me though as a vegetarian.

Anyway, so much for me not hijacking the thread! I'm sorry! LOL.
I am not a vegetarian yet. As I get older... My body just doesn't process meat very well. especially steak... I can't digest it. so I don't eat it. I will eat a bit of chicken now and then but it seems to be doing the same thing... don't know why... So I just try and avoid meat. I love veggies and can eat them all day long.. beans are my favorite. So it would be very simple to become a vegetarian... Not because I have an issue with animals..or such... It is just a dietary choice for my stomachs sake.
Animals have been very good to us... providing food for us humans... It is the human's that do an injustice to the animals for greed sake. Those chicken farms... cow farms etc.. I think if it was done more humanly people wouldn't have a issue with it... My uncles all were farmers.. and their animals were treated the best. When it was time to put one down for food... They used to thank the animal... for providing them with the meat. I know it sounds crazy.

I do love vegetables but my body can not take too much carbohydrates.

Ddawn, I can certainly understand about the steak...I do not know what has happened but it does tasted spoiled. If I go to my local butcher, the meat is sooooooooo good! Excellent flavor! The grocery store is ok for beef stew or anything you can add to mask the "blah" in the meat.

I love chicken but they give me the "trots" every time, not sure why it is but it is the same for me for turkey, and to the bathroom I go! I love the taste of farm raised chicken and turkeys and pork.

So beef for me was the main meat item for my family but not very much of it like a bigger portion wise. And it does not "tear" me up.
raising our own meat was one of the main reasons for moving to the country... that and giving ourselves and our dogs a good outdoor lifestyle. I raise lamb, goat, pig, turkey, geese, meaties and eggs. I currently have about 25 pounds of home grown smoked bacon and yes it is fabulous... as well as english rashers. I buy very little forms of protien any more...

My son has a few friends who are veggies... all of them have indicated they are because they hate the inhumane treatment at the hands of factory farming... they appreciate our efforts to eat our home raised foods however when they are out for Saturday night 20 something fires/beer they always get veggie friendly pizza's etc.
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