Curiosity has the best of me - Vegetarians.

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I've never heard that before and I enjoy pig meat. What's the problem with it?

The list of safe foods gets shorter. Poultry carries salmonella and avian 'flu, beef could turn me into a mad cow (it killed an English dairy farmer that I knew), rabbits have myxomatosis, fish is full of mercury and human waste, many people are allergic to shellfish, dairy products clog your arteries, vegetables and fruit are overloaded with nitrate fertiliser and water is full of chemicals that are supposed to make it safe to drink. I'm thinking of trying rocks but some of those contain natural radioactivity.

To you and Hillsvale,

It really isn't good for you. I don't study it a lot but I have 2 reasons I stand on.
1. Do you have any idea what pigs eat? They're scavengers (spelling?)
2. God gave a list of foods that Israel could eat in the Bible and what they couldn't eat. Even though we're now allowed to eat anything what he commanded for them is a really good guideline of good foods to eat. He said no to animals like shrimp and pigs. And for good reasons.

Oh ya, I can't give it up completly though we almost eat none of it

I've seen the artical and I don't deny it. But.
What do you think of people like us who grow their chickens on their farms? They're not like that. The only "fast food" I really eat is Chick-Fil-A and I don't even eat that often. We eat meat but we know where it comes from and how it's made.
I've never heard that before and I enjoy pig meat. What's the problem with it?

The list of safe foods gets shorter. Poultry carries salmonella and avian 'flu, beef could turn me into a mad cow (it killed an English dairy farmer that I knew), rabbits have myxomatosis, fish is full of mercury and human waste, many people are allergic to shellfish, dairy products clog your arteries, vegetables and fruit are overloaded with nitrate fertiliser and water is full of chemicals that are supposed to make it safe to drink. I'm thinking of trying rocks but some of those contain natural radioactivity.

To you and Hillsvale,

It really isn't good for you. I don't study it a lot but I have 2 reasons I stand on.
1. Do you have any idea what pigs eat? They're scavengers (spelling?)
2. God gave a list of foods that Israel could eat in the Bible and what they couldn't eat. Even though we're now allowed to eat anything what he commanded for them is a really good guideline of good foods to eat. He said no to animals like shrimp and pigs. And for good reasons.

Oh ya, I can't give it up completly though we almost eat none of it


I can give up shrimp, but I cannot give up clams.
Or pork. You're right about Leviticus, though. Filter feeders were out. Sadly, though, the specifications means that catfish were out, too.
I was surprised to learn that my brother had "gone vegan" several months back, but just recently got together with him to hear his reasoning why... He's lost at least 20 lbs since he started and says he feels so much better. His reasoning is all health related...the hormones in meat...I can't recall the eggs, milk, cheese rationale. We did talk about naturally raised meat and it's possibilities for him. And he did admit to "cheating" a bit. If someone served him something that had eggs or a little cheese in it, he'd eat it. Or pork and beans...he'd eat a bit of that. He also said he was considering adding fish to his diet. That guy did nothing but eat TONS of salad and fresh fruit during our visit together (something I need to do a lot more often). I admired his dedication to eating healthy...
I've never heard that before and I enjoy pig meat. What's the problem with it?

The list of safe foods gets shorter. Poultry carries salmonella and avian 'flu, beef could turn me into a mad cow (it killed an English dairy farmer that I knew), rabbits have myxomatosis, fish is full of mercury and human waste, many people are allergic to shellfish, dairy products clog your arteries, vegetables and fruit are overloaded with nitrate fertiliser and water is full of chemicals that are supposed to make it safe to drink. I'm thinking of trying rocks but some of those contain natural radioactivity.

To you and Hillsvale,

It really isn't good for you. I don't study it a lot but I have 2 reasons I stand on.
1. Do you have any idea what pigs eat? They're scavengers (spelling?)
2. God gave a list of foods that Israel could eat in the Bible and what they couldn't eat. Even though we're now allowed to eat anything what he commanded for them is a really good guideline of good foods to eat. He said no to animals like shrimp and pigs. And for good reasons.

Oh ya, I can't give it up completly though we almost eat none of it


I know exactly what pigs eat... they were mine and I raised them from babies.... Pigs make an area to eat, an area to sleep and an area where they used the bathroom.

I can say for chickens, turkeys, geese or my lambs and goat.... pigs are actually quite clean in comparison ... yes they turn up the soil and eat bugs and other bits.... just like most other free range animals.

Have you free range chickens, layers who have access to the yard, turkeys who go ourdoors.... geese? Have you culled a chicken and looked at the contents of their gizzard and crop? Unless you have ever raised trotters I think perhaps you should stem the discussion to what you actually know and have experience with ....

Lets not turn this into a religous discussion, I doubt that's what the initial start of this thread intended.
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To you and Hillsvale,

It really isn't good for you. I don't study it a lot but I have 2 reasons I stand on.
1. Do you have any idea what pigs eat? They're scavengers (spelling?)
2. God gave a list of foods that Israel could eat in the Bible and what they couldn't eat. Even though we're now allowed to eat anything what he commanded for them is a really good guideline of good foods to eat. He said no to animals like shrimp and pigs. And for good reasons.

Oh ya, I can't give it up completly though we almost eat none of it


I know exactly what pigs eat... they were mine and I raised them from babies.... Pigs make an area to eat, an area to sleep and an area where they used the bathroom.

I can say for chickens, turkeys, geese or my lambs and goat.... pigs are actually quite clean in comparison ... yes they turn up the soil and eat bugs and other bits.... just like most other free range animals.

Have you free range chickens, layers who have access to the yard, turkeys who go ourdoors.... geese? Have you culled a chicken and looked at the contents of their gizzard and crop? Unless you have ever raised trotters I think perhaps you should stem the discussion to what you actually know and have experience with ....

Lets not turn this into a religous discussion, I doubt that's what the initial start of this thread intended.

My pigs are VERY clean.. they wont eat or sleep anywhere by their waste...
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I know exactly what pigs eat... they were mine and I raised them from babies.... Pigs make an area to eat, an area to sleep and an area where they used the bathroom.

I can say for chickens, turkeys, geese or my lambs and goat.... pigs are actually quite clean in comparison ... yes they turn up the soil and eat bugs and other bits.... just like most other free range animals.

Have you free range chickens, layers who have access to the yard, turkeys who go ourdoors.... geese? Have you culled a chicken and looked at the contents of their gizzard and crop? Unless you have ever raised trotters I think perhaps you should stem the discussion to what you actually know and have experience with ....

Lets not turn this into a religous discussion, I doubt that's what the initial start of this thread intended.

My pigs are VERY clean.. they wont eat or sleep anywhere by their waste...

A religious discussion you say... I'm not going into that. I'm just saying that many many people follow that part of the Bible about what is good for you and what is not.

It's a fact—ham, sausage, and bacon strips will go right to your hips. Eating pork products, which are loaded with artery-clogging cholesterol and saturated fat, is a good way to increase your waistline and increase your chances of developing deadly diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, asthma, and impotence.

Even non-Christians believe it.

My pigs are VERY clean.. they wont eat or sleep anywhere by their waste...

A religious discussion you say... I'm not going into that. I'm just saying that many many people follow that part of the Bible about what is good for you and what is not.

It's a fact—ham, sausage, and bacon strips will go right to your hips. Eating pork products, which are loaded with artery-clogging cholesterol and saturated fat, is a good way to increase your waistline and increase your chances of developing deadly diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's, asthma, and impotence.

Even non-Christians believe it.


Bah..humbug! I dont believe in ANY of that crud...
Although i do have fat hips... hmm....

raised these pigs for my Simon's english rashers... can't get that stuff here in Canada!.... and raise all my own meat except beef. Very little factory meat will reach my table ever again!
I've never heard that before and I enjoy pig meat. What's the problem with it?

The list of safe foods gets shorter. Poultry carries salmonella and avian 'flu, beef could turn me into a mad cow (it killed an English dairy farmer that I knew), rabbits have myxomatosis, fish is full of mercury and human waste, many people are allergic to shellfish, dairy products clog your arteries, vegetables and fruit are overloaded with nitrate fertiliser and water is full of chemicals that are supposed to make it safe to drink. I'm thinking of trying rocks but some of those contain natural radioactivity.

To you and Hillsvale,

It really isn't good for you. I don't study it a lot but I have 2 reasons I stand on.
1. Do you have any idea what pigs eat? They're scavengers (spelling?)
2. God gave a list of foods that Israel could eat in the Bible and what they couldn't eat. Even though we're now allowed to eat anything what he commanded for them is a really good guideline of good foods to eat. He said no to animals like shrimp and pigs. And for good reasons.

Oh ya, I can't give it up completly though we almost eat none of it


All animals eat things that we would not. That's the point, they convert it to something that tastes good.

I think that it's unfair of you to bring religion into this because we are not allowed to respond with a different point of view. UNLESS A MOD. GIVES PERMISSION, PLEASE!

Someone listed all the bad things that are alleged to happen to you if you eat pig. What, any pig at all? What about including pig in a balanced diet? In any case, something will get all of us one day and then we shall rot away and probably our atoms will become animal food.
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