Curious about Peafowl

I've tried turkeys and they about the hardest thing to raise as babies. They just seem to die for no apparent reason. The peafowl that my boss raised seemed very hardy even as chicks and I never saw any losses other than those from predators. Despite being from south Asia they are cold hardy and don't require special housing, a regular chicken coop type house works well to keep them dry and warm.
picco....thats what I heard about the turkeys too, that they just die from just about anything and everything, and that even when they are older they are rather dumb (stand there and let predators eat them)
So thats why I'm looking into gettin something a little hardy (and smart! lol) and thought of peafowl. I'd like 2 hens and a cock, but I'll have to get them as straight run (if I want to raise chicks) or wait and find someone selling their older ones, which usually go for quite a bit more $$.

So far, I havent heard anything bad about keeping them, or anything different from the norm. As chicks, they still need the brooder temps about the same, and they grow quite quickly. The only real downside is that you have to wait AWHILE to know if you have boys or girls, and that they dont get their lovely trains (males) until they are 2-3 years old. (Which is why people charge $300 for a pair of 3 year olds when the chicks sell at around $25-$30)
4h kids and mom, you mentioned in another thread that you might move to a neighboring farm with more land (apparently going to be much needed!
) If so, bear in mind that peafowl should be kept penned for several months before being released in a new home, or else they will try to return to the old home.
Also, they love to perch up high - as on brand new trucks and cars, and (the peacocks) fight/attack/SPUR their reflections in shiny (as in new
) chrome bumpers!
On a positive note, I can always find my truck in a crowded parking lot - it's the one with the most bird poop on it!
I love my 2 males and 3 hens, and have 8 peachicks coming next week, to add to the gene pool.
I have learned to ignore the external facade of the truck, and to almost be able to sleep through the frequent screams-in-the-night which occur at the slightest provocation (as in a car door slamming, or the drop of a shoe).
They are a lot more fun than turkeys, and far prettier!
Finch...thanks for the imput!
We have the car (its a 95 Ford so I dont care too much about the bird crap! lol) that hubby drives to work. I have my old truck (a good old 1990 Chevy, best truck I ever owned.
) that doesnt have shiney, well, anything! lol Its my old rust bucket, so I dont suppose they would fancy it much?

We wont be moving for quite some time, and if/when we do, we will plan it for a winter move so everyone will be penned and cooped to "re-learn" where 'home' is. If I get peafowl, I am hoping to get a cock and 2 hens. They are just so lovely, and I adore the noises (though I know them only from Zoos). We have no real neighbors or night noises here, so (hopefully) they will sleep the night?

So would you suggest I get chicks (which I can only get as straight run) or should I go for older birds, so I know what sexes I have offhand? Any other suggestions for me?
Oh man I wish I could borrow one to hear them cry LOL. I would love peafowl but my hubby says absolutly not
He's been great with everything else so what can I say. I'll work on him thruogh the year and see if i can't get him to change his mind:)
QUICK question though, do the sounds of other birds they are use to bother them? Crystal
I've never raised them, but neighbors had them for a few years. They lived a decent distance away, but the peacock could constantly be found perched on my back deck, waiting for either peanut butter cookies or cat food! I personally love their cry, but it is a bit irritating in the middle of the night. Maybe not irritating, but startling. They'll roost up in the trees, on your car, anywhere.

My experience, which again wasn't really first hand, was that they can be pretty darn mean. The cock who used to visit would go from sweetly eating out of my hand to trying to peck my eyeballs out. And they are not small, so when a full grown male tries to come after you, it's enough to make you tuck tail and run!

All that being said, I'm sure that like any other animal, with the right handling that mean streak may not be dominant but it is there. I would love to have peafowl. One day soon, hopefully!!
My original pair were several months old, and they were a pair - of hens! A year later my farrier told me of some people with 2 one year old males. I went, intending to buy one, and they made me an offer I couldn't refuse, and I came home with both. Eventually all were housed together in a 6' x 14' coop, with a 12' x 24' outdoor run, and for 5 or 6 years the hens laid eggs that never hatched. One male died (the dominant one who was apparently sterile), and then a few peachicks were hatched.

Due to crowding I finally bit the bullet and set them all free. I have never seen such absolutely happy animals! They positively RADIATED happiness - from the top of my barn, the top of my chimney, shrieking their hauntingly exotic call, or just strolling about the lawn, looking regally decadent and rich!

And they rewarded me with more babies, born free range (high mortality rate) and rather wild (no picking them up or touching) I got up to 13 total one year, but am down to just 5 now. Time for new blood, as these are inbred I don't know how many generations. I have 8 straight run on order from Meyer (much less pricey than MM!) and hope to make them tame.

Even with just 5 it gets very noisy aroud here in the summer, but I love to hear them. And in the winter they are THE prettiest birds at the bird feeders on my much pooped-on deck!
peas get sick easily. I had 2 that i got when they were about 1 week old. at the time i also had 2 baby chicks. Peas are VERY smart. They would get out of their box and get in with the chicks and they would party!! The peas often knew when I would come home and get back in there boxes. I always knew when they were up to no good when they were quiet. One day I came home (pure silence) and one of my babies were dead. the other died the next morning, she spent 2 hours in my arms until she died. it wasnt black head, they didnt follow in the description of it. My only thought is they got another virus from the baby chicks. They were in great health. I had them for about 3 months.

pea are loud, i had a friend that owned them, and the neighbors called the cops. Everyone thought my friends were murdering someone!!

i know its an old thread but i wanted to put my 2 cents in!!
If you like loud, pretty birds then pea's are you bird. Make sure your neighbors are understanding. Yes they love to tear up gardens and perch wherever you don't want them to. But they are pretty. If you get a mean male, shoot him. Had a man that had to carry a bull whip w/him to get around safely. that's when I was kid and they were very expensive.

Guinneas are a smaller, less colorful version of them.

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