Curious what breed she is...


May 26, 2016
Central Arkansas
I'm still not sure what breed my little bantam girl Wiggles is. Would love some input. My best guess is Black Sex Link. Any ideas?


She's not any breed, she's a mix.

Probably with a smaller bantam and a larger bird if she is a 3/4 size (which she appears to be).

She *might* have some Welsummer in her. I had a Welsummer/Wyandotte/EE mix that looked very similar, but I've had other mixes look similar too....although the Welsummer tends to crop up with that color combination when mixed.

So that brings me back to a mixed breed girl.

I got her and all my chicks at Atwood's. They were marked as bantams but most everyone around me that's had experience with chickens tell me they look too big to be bantams. This is my 1st time raising chickens so I'm learning as I go. They've just started laying in the past month or so and I'm getting pretty much an egg s day from all 5 hens. There eggs are small... Same size as small eggs bought at grocery but the yolks are large so 2 eggs are just as filling as 2 large store bought eggs, and so much tastier!
Anyway whatever breed Wiggles I'd, she's happy, sweet and a good little layer. :) I love all my girls and my one rooster that protects them.
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