Curious what breed she is...

Just so people know, she is not a BSL.

Black Sex Links are predominantly black with some red bleed through. It comes from mixing a barred hen (typically Barred Rock) over a rooster that is red based (typically RIR or NH).

The boys hatch black with a white head dot and grow into roosters looking similar to Barred Rocks, with more white barring and white in the saddle.

The girls hatch totally black and often have some red bleed through at the hackles, sometimes down the chest, sometimes laced elsewhere.

However, your girl is not predominately black. She is a partridge color, probably with some Welsummer in the background (which would explain the dark speckled eggs).

Feed stores like Atwoods are notorious for mixing their bins and getting a mixed variety of birds marked wrongly.

I think she is a mix from some chicks someone brought into the store, or a mixed oops from the hatchery.

Her legs suggest some willow color to them in some of the photos. I can't tell if that is true willow or simply photo shadow. If she has willow legs, she may be an EE/Welsummer mix though she does not have muff or beard. (Many mixes from EE's don't).

But she is definitely not a BSL.

Edited to correct barred rooster to barred hen...typed too late last night....a barred rooster produces all barred chicks. Sex linking can only happen if the hen alone is barred and the roo solid non dominate as in red due to how the barred gene is on the sex related part of the genome of the mother, who determines the sex in birds. The father's base color cannot obscure the head dot as can happen with dominate white and in my experience certain wheaten.
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Shelooks like my BSL, but mine is certainly no fact, I named her Mae West bc even as a young pullet when I got her on 8/23, she was quite full breasted. Lol Yours has the same coloring as Mae's.

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