Curled toes - neurological?

Thank you CSF. Because of the distance from main hen house we cannot monitor as well as I'd like. One day I'll figure out how to get a camera set up there. Anyway, the peckin girder of the main flock seems to change from time to time. While Gracey was a part of it, it seemed like they rotated on picking on her so she never had a solid "friend" to have her back. We have a round fenced pen next to main chicken house and I will let the hens romp in there for 2-3 hours a few times a week. My plan/goal is once Gracey has her feathers all in, I'll try to put her in with the others in that pen. I'll supervise and hope the others will accept her back. However, I have a feeling she might be permanently with us at the house. Fingers crossed the vitamins work.
I'll try to get a video.
I just wanted to post an update. This past Wednesday I was able to go to town and picked up some Poultry Cell, an oral vitamin supplement. She has been given a daily dose since Thursday. So 4 days so far and no signs of improvement with walking/curled toes. I wasn't expecting immediate results but I was still hoping.
The first 2 doses I just squirted on her food but by the second dose she stopped eating that part of her feed so I now give orally. The dosage is 1cc-3cc and I have been giving 3cc's. Especially now that I have to give it orally she is not a perfect patient so I'm guessing she's getting about 1.5-2cc out of the 3.
It states to give daily during times of stress etc. Is there a limit on how long I should keep giving to her?
Everything else about her is still going well. He feathers are growing and she appears to be feeling better other than the curled toes/walking.
Keep up with the Poultry Cell. If you have or can get some human vitamin B Complex, you could substitute 1/2 one daily crushed onto food. She may just have some inborn problem, but you can get her back with her flock in a dog crate with food and water. Hopefully she will respond to vitamins, but Mareks or other neurological problems could be possible.
.... Gracey was one of the first and as a chick was always the dominant one. Slowly over time she went from top hen to bottom hen.... she slowly developed some "oddities" such as walking funny, falling down or crash landing when she jumped off the perch.... She walks funny and is unstable. Much of her standing is actually on her lower part of her legs..... I've noticed she curls her toes a lot... My wife and I have discussed many times about putting her down but she always seems to be "ok" with her condition.... anyone have any ideas or suggestions?....

The short and long of it is that I think that Gracey has Merek's. Get the address of the state poultry lab in your area so that if you do put Gracy down you can have an insulated box or cooler on hand to ship her off for a necropsy.
Here is another update. Gracey is looking much better and has all her feathers in. She has been getting liquid B vitamins in her water every other day and half a B Complex vitamin daily. We are slowing introducing her back with the flock but it has not gone well so far. She still has her balance issues and curled toes. When the other chickens start pecking at her she just falls down. I believe if she did not have those issues she would be able to handle it.
So, since we are doing everything else I'm now thinking about some sort of setup to straighten her toes. I was thinking of using vetwrap. It should stay on without the hassle of sticky tape.
Thoughts? If I do try this, any suggestions on how long to keep on at one time?


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