curled toes


In the Brooder
8 Years
Aug 17, 2011
i have two chicks that are about 7 hours old and they both have curled toes is that something they grow out of or is there a way i have to treat it.

thanks snipercp
Some times chicks born with curled toes can mean incubator temperature are too high. Double check your temperature, sometimes depending on the incubator there can be spots that have a little higher temperature then other spots. (my incubator was that way it had a bad heat element in it!, threw it out the door!!) Toes can be straighten out with a little cardboard (thin) and tape for a couple days depending how bad they are curled. Good luck!
Mine started out with curled toes and over the hours got straight. I'm not sure about your chicks though. Good luck! :)
one of them have fixed itself but the others has got a little better its gone from curled like its gripping on a branch. but now its the end of her toes are curled so if she isnt better by tommorow i will have to give her a boot.

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