Current Movies - Thumbs UP or Thumbs DOWN

Loved Star is Born, may need to buy it.
Really liked Mary Queen of Scots.
Liked The Favorite, but ended poorly.
Liked On the Basis of Sex but preferred the RBG documentary which I loved. Had no idea she is the person responsible for my being able to get a mortgage, no longer being the legal property of a husband (not in either but I’m giving her credit anyways), etc...
Won’t you be my Neighbor was really interesting.
I started watching Roma but was really s-l-o-w so gave up. And I usually don’t have a problem with slow movies. On Netflix not at a theater.
We just returned from seeing "Bohemian Rhapsody". It's been playing around here for a long time, but we just didn't think we would like it. (The Princess really.) If you like the music of Queen or even if you don't this is a movie to be seen. The actor who plays Freddy Mercury is great as is everyone in this film. We both give 4's on this film and really recommend seeing it.
I liked Isle of Dogs for family night with kids. Portrays the dogs perspective and realities of life with and without owners. Gave a 3. Two thunbs up.

Two thumbs down on Little Italy. Modern Day Romeo and Juliette. Too cliche. Too melodramatic for me. My husband like it though, go figure.
Today we saw "Cold Pursuit". I personally was not enthralled - there's only so many shootings and blood splatter that I can handle. I'll go 2 stars primarily because Liam Neeson is in it. The Princess actually enjoyed this movie. :eek: She gives it 3 stars.
I like Liam but, he keeps playing the same type of role - "a man with a particular set of skills." You just know he is gonna kill the bad guys in the most gory ways possible.

It was more fun watching"Zombieland," several years ago, with Woody Harrelson "offing," zombies in various creative manners.
Loved Star is Born, may need to buy it.
Really liked Mary Queen of Scots.
Liked The Favorite, but ended poorly.
Liked On the Basis of Sex but preferred the RBG documentary which I loved. Had no idea she is the person responsible for my being able to get a mortgage, no longer being the legal property of a husband (not in either but I’m giving her credit anyways), etc...
Won’t you be my Neighbor was really interesting.
I started watching Roma but was really s-l-o-w so gave up. And I usually don’t have a problem with slow movies. On Netflix not at a theater.
I saw Bohemian Rhapsody at a large historic theater (with a balcony). It was packed because it was a sing-along with lyrics to the songs on-screen. We were singing and clapping, etc... It was a blast and I loved the movie. Most of the audience were boomers so it was raucous in a good way.

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