Custom feeds vs commercial brands for cornish x


10 Years
Oct 18, 2009
We live near an old man that has 40-50 different breeds of chickens that have been in his family since the 30's. He has some that are slightly larger than button quail. His white rock all have rose combs and has white cornish that make what’s available commercially look sick. Have begged to get some of these from him; even offered our first born; he will not even let us have an egg! They would probably be the key to perfecting our cornish x lines. He butchers all culls and gives the meat they can't use away.

He is very successful with the cornish x. He has a huge roo that weigh 25+ pounds and it is about 6 years old. It follows him like a lamb-where you see one you see the other. He contends that there is nothing drastically wrong with the cornish x, that the problem lies with the nutrition, stating the faster the growth the higher the need for vast amounts of vitamins, minerals and proteins. He gave us 500 pounds of his cornish x feed that contains 4 times the levels of vitamins, minerals, 28% protein and 11 different grains. We used it for 36 chicks (cockerels) feeding 24/7 and by 6 weeks of age dressed out between 4.5 to 5 pound losing none. The flavor and tenderness was to die for. Made our organic raised birds taste like store bought. Want the recipe but again... We had 75 pounds leftover had it analyzed and it would cost about $750/1000 pounds to custom mix putting it out of reach for us. Currently we pay $285/1000 delivered for organic custom mix.

Those who will please post what you feed--Name of Brand or Mill that mixes for you and if you know list the ingredients used (prices too). Thank You!!
There are 47 ingredients of which some cost more than $40/ounce. Lotus seeds, three verities of flax seed, pilinuts-canarytree nut meal, and sisymbrium sp. seeds to list a few. The list goes on and on. There is no corn, oats, wheat, animal by-products or fish meal in it.

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