custom made scrapbook pages, checkbook covers or calenders

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I am interested in some of the 12 x 12 pages. I pm'd you. Great work!
hmmm Mine only needed the wording nearly a month ago...this is beginning to frustrate me. At least a quick post or something from her would be nice.
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hi everyone... I am terribly sorry for no response in a couple of weeks but I had to go out of state, my parents were in a car wreck and I went down to texas to take care of things while they were recouperating... I took over cleaning the houses that they normally do and I barely had any time to get online while I was down there... they are both up and mobile again so I finally was able to come home, so I do apologize for any inconvience that this may have caused I have finished yours cetawin and they should be out in the mail probably monday I will see if I can get them out tommorrow but I have lots to do here, as for the other ones I have many of them started, just give me a bit to get everything back in order here and I should have most of them done by the end of next week... if you have any questions please feel free to email me and I will get back with you all asap
Thank you so much. And thank goodness your parents are recovering and will be fit and fine again soon. That is very frightening.
thank you... as soon as I heard I was gone, I grabbed a few shirts and shorts and was out the door, it was a long way down, the flight was only a couple hours but it felt like an eternity since I could not get any info on what was going on, they had my dad in surgery when I got there to put pins in his leg but my step mom was in the hospital under heavy sedation, but I am glad that they are recovering at home now, one of my other sisters finally got some time off and came over we have it set up where one of the 11 of us will be with them for the next couple months, one week at a time
but again I am glad they are recovering and I will be sending them out soon, I will let you know and give you tracking number as soon as I get them sent!

I am so sorry to hear about your parents, what a scary time for all of you!! I am glad to hear they are doing better and on the mend, what good news!!
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