Cute new little predator

You are right. A couple macaws can kill and eat the carcass of a kitten or puppy. I have a pair. But the parrots I was concerned about are a much smaller size.

I know a breeder of macaws who told me his macaw bit the head off of a smaller parrot like the little ones i was concerned about. Macaws can even bite off a human finger. Just think of how they easily tear apart the hard nuts that we need a nut cracker or a hammer to open. So a group of larger macaws can defend themselves from many predators, but the smaller parrots can not. The smaller parrots can not open those hard nuts by themselves. I bet a couple macaws can even go toe to toe with a hawk.

I have not been able to find her kitten after searching every day. So it seems like it is over for now.... unless she turns out or loses another one.
Thanks for your concern.
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DixieGirl , what variety of parrots are you raising?

I will be bringing home a Small Citron Cocatoo in a few months. ( still have to rebuild after the fire after 2 years geesh)
My Friends Triton Cocatoo ( miserable birds) put his beak through my arm on day. took weeks to heal up.
rotten Cockatoo.
well the pound will put it to sleep when it is lessthan one pound. I found a little stray after hurricane Charley and thats what they told me. Luckily mine was already over that weight limit.
I have African Grays and Macaws. Good luck with your Cockatoo
Dixygirl --

Just for future reference in case another kitten comes along, I have kept "free-ranging" Amazons together with cats without trouble. Greys are roughly the same size. I would definitely be cautious about it, but if you don't have anything smaller than the greys I wouldn't rule out the possibility of coexistence. Especially if the kitten is raised together with the birds, he/she would probably learn to ignore them altogether.

edited to add -- in fact, I had to stop leaving my birds out of their cages when I got seriously into DOG rescue. It was the dogs that presented more danger than the cats.
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I have an orange wing Amazon who likes to sit outside his cage and he's a force to be reckoned with. I had a few cats (and dogs, for that matter) who once considered going after him. (Notice the use of the word ONCE). They would get near him to investigate and he would bite the crud out of them. All my furry critters walk around with their ears pierced, courtesy of Tico. And they stay far, far away from him.


Would you mess with him?
I have 2 cockatoos and 2 blue crown conures. My cockatoos chase the cats. They cats are interested in the conures when they flutter about, but obviouslly they can hold their own. I have one that learned how to escape his cage and for several days (until I learned all the places he could escape) was out on the floor with 5 cats loose and had no problems. And these are raw fed cats that really enjoy meat.
Just caught up to this thread and had to put my 2 cents in. I had a blue front amazon that was a force to be reckoned with!
She would grab any cat's tail that came too close and scream, "NOOOOOO!!!!!" while biting down...HARD. The cats avoided her after that! But I did have a mentally unstable blind siamese with brain damage and she loved that cat! LOL! She would sit and groom her all day long while the cat sat there drooling. yuck! LOL!

I also found that my killer cat got in with the chickens today and was laying there looking at them. I almost had a heart attack, but I think he is scared of the Cornish in there!

So, they can be ok with birds. Especially if they are trained from kittenhood.

Did you ever find it?

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