Cute story I had to share


9 Years
Apr 28, 2010
Millersburg, PA
I just had to share a cute story that happened today. It was just the sweetest and cutest thing I have seen.
One of my silkie moms recently started to take the chicks outside. A storm came in suddenly and I believe she thought it would be better to hunker down over her babies to protect them from the storm. I go running out to get them out of the storm and when I get there, my young Favorelle boy was standing over her and the babies. He was going to stick out the storm with them and try to protect them all. I got them all into the barn and everyone was fine but I was just amazed how this boy was going to ride out the storm with her so she wouldn't be alone. He is 6 months old and is turning out to be a great daddy and a very awesome roo!
Aww that's really sweet and daring for the momma and roo sha
made my night a little better
I am still smiling when I think of it and that is why I had to share. These chickens are something! The mom knew it was too windy for the babies to be able to make it to the barn safely so she knew to stay on top of them and the boy knowing she needed a buddy to get soaked with together! ;-) Seeing something like this makes keeping chickens all worth it!!!
I hate it when people think that all roosters are mean! In fact, they usually are the sweetest chicken in the whole pen!

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