cutest chicken names!

What are some of the cutest chicken names you have heard. for some reason people always pick old lady names. but I thought it would be interesting to hear some other names that are different or down right adorable.  :caf

I know a guy who he and his kids named a HUGE hen they had three fatty acids:) this hen was big and she layed eggsthe size of a turkey egg
I let my 4 year old son help out with the naming. Last year it resulted in Tank, Jaws, and Shark. This year we got Cactus, Flames, and Cinnamon Roll.

We also tend to name our ladies (and gents) after TV and movie characters. We had Leonard and Penny (Big Bang Theory). Ricky and Lucy (I love Lucy).

I also like the "old lady" names like Ethel, Gertrude, Winnifred, etc.

Naming chicks is one of my favorite thing to do. This year, I got 2 Russian Orloffs and looked up Russian Olga and Nina are their names. And my Salmon Faverolle is named Fluer since it is a french breed.
What a co-inky-dink! I nearly went with "Fluer" for my Salmon.
I can't stinkin' wait for are little buggers to arrive march 25!
This is my first go at raising chicks...they are 1 1/2 weeks old...and I told myself I wouldn't name them because they are for meat and eggs, and I don't think I could kill them if I named them. Well, I broke down and named my two favorites...knowing I'd never kill them for's the rooster, the other one the friendliest and biggest hen. His name is Zeus. Her name is Athena. Didn't like Hera, so Athena she became. Hehe.
I said that before, then one year I had way too many roosters. So I processed one and I figured out the best way to rend them, I don't pluck, I just get rid of the skin, but that is me. I have figured out away to keep the guts and all together, so they don't go everywhere. That year we ate roosters. then the next year I got those meat chickens and we had those too. I kinda slowed down after that. I did in two roos last year then cut my finger pretty bad. I probably have roos in this next group. But I do like roos and will let them all grow up and see who I like best.
We gave our girls (jury's still out on this) male names for fun. We have: Hank, Francisco, Ragnar, Wyatt, Hugh, Midas, Eddie, and Quinten.

Some folks think we're "half a bubble
off of plumb, that's fer shur and fer certain".
my daughter was given a free chick once. she wanted it to be a girl and named it Princess anyway. when he grew up we changed the name to Brewster.
we always give chickens a name and then some times they come up with a personality and we have to rename them. I think giving a chick a name is luckier for them.
I name my chickens the oddest names sometimes, and other times they're really common. I just posted this in another thread so... Copy and Paste!!!

Hen names used in the past: I can’t remember them all honestly.
Rhode Islands: Phoenix Birds, Mey Rin, Red birds, Rot (german for red)
Black Sex Links: Kuu (name came from a crow in a Japanese comic, and also, the Hiragana for “ku” is
which looks like a bird beak.)
Australorps: Sweetie/Iza (came from “eyes, because she had such huge cute eyes), Zombie Chicken (dad gave her a twist because she was ill, was up and walking about 5 hours later)
Wyandottes: Silver/Argentine, Gold,
New Hampshire Reds: Riza, Setta (from the words Rise and Set from sunrise and sunset)
Buff Orpington: forgot it, but it was probably Sonne, German for Sun
Ameracaunas: Eagle (brown with a white head), Dusk (brown head and grey body), Galileo (thought was a rooster)
Barred Rocks: Dinner and Evil (didn’t like these guys, hence the poor names)
Welsummer: Frappe
Bantam: Kurohime (Kuro is black and Hime is princess in Japanese. It fit because she was the only chick I got that year. The others were all ducks)

Roosters get specialty names. I look hard for something in Greek myths, old names, or origin names.

Ameracauna rooster: Aristotle AKA Ari, Galileo (which turned out to be a hen)
Ameracauna/Buff Orpington mix- Ari’s sons [2]: The boys (these are the only ones who didn’t get specialty names because we were supposed to get rid of them so I never came up with anything)
Ameracauna [2] (which were supposed to be pure but looked more like the buff mixes I had hatched the previous year- which were pale yellow white with a few black spots on their wings) Argo and Caesar
French Black and Copper Marans: Pierre

Names for my 2013 chicks
Black Sex Links: Ninja, Shinobu Yui (ninja because she was all black as a chick and jumped… a lot. Shinobu Yui is a character whose name is very close to Shinobi, which is Japanese for ninja. It’s just fun to say. My mom hates it)
ISA: Isa (award winner for creativity right here)
Wyandottes: Heart and Soul (my cousin gave me the idea from the heartgold and soulsilver pokemon games. I couldn’t call them gold and silver since I still have Gold alive from the last set).
New Hampshire Reds: Alba (Italian for sunrise- I wanted to keep it similar to Riza, my favorite hen that I eventually lost due to the 2008 flood)
White Leghorn: unnamed. Originally I had Kuroko, which is a character in a Japanese Anime who is all white despite his name meaning black (kuro).
Australorps: Midori (Japanese for Green, which is for the green shine on her feathers), unnamed
Black Jersey Giant: unnamed

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