cutest chicken names!

What about (if you have three) Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles?
or Vanilla, Bambi, Thumper, or Queenie?
My mom had a mini bantam Silkie hen we named Bumble (as in bee) that I named while growing up. Here are the names of the chickens we name:

Brewster (kids named him, SS rooster)
Goose (SS cockerel, while learning to crow he sounded like a goose; hence the name)
Boogie (MFBD cockerel)
Loofa (blue Silkie hen)
Powder Puff (white Silkie hen)
Princess (kids idea; MFBD pullet)
Millie (MFBD pullet)
Brownie (kids idea; Silkie/OEG hen)
We have our Japanese bantam hen called Loofa!! Had to comment :)
We have Noia ( short for paranoia EE hen)
Thing 1 and Thing 2 - cinnamon queens
Poof! Is a buff laced polish
Melena and maeli both barred rock hens
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Our future hens will be named:

Rosie (after Rosie the Riveter)
Scarlett (my daughter wants a RIR)
Clara Belle (we'll call her 'CB' in honor of the Seabees, my husband is in the Navy)
Extra Crispy (hubby's choice)

My friend Peg is a huge Big Bang Fan so two of her hens are "Penny Penny Penny" and "Amy Farah Fowler" :)
I don't even have our chicks yet but name contenders are: Sunny, Phoebe, Custard, Penny and Amy Farrah Fowler(from the show Big Bang Theory!) haha! So we will still need another name but haven't gotten there yet! Won't pick the chick for the name until we can tell them apart either! I kind of like Shelley, but told husband he gets to pick a name too! My girls each picked out the Phoebe and Custard!
Our new chicks arrive on March 18th (this is my first time raising chickens!) and my daughter and I have though of naming the 8 after various gems. For example:
Ruby; Emerald; Onyx; Pearl; Topaz; Sapphire; Opal and Amber. I am sure that we will keep changing our minds up until the 18th!

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