cutest chicken names!

Sorry technical difficulties on that last post.

My 7 year old pop music loving daughter who has been studying Spanish in school has decided when we get our chicks (2 6week EE pullets today) and 4 from a hatchery next week she will name the largest one "Ariana Grande" lol in her 7 year old mind she loves the singer of the same name and said since Grande is big/large in Spanish that would be the perfect name for our biggest one lol
Sorry technical difficulties on that last post.

My 7 year old pop music loving daughter who has been studying Spanish in school has decided when we get our chicks (2 6week EE pullets today) and 4 from a hatchery next week she will name the largest one "Ariana Grande" lol in her 7 year old mind she loves the singer of the same name and said since Grande is big/large in Spanish that would be the perfect name for our biggest one lol

What a great name :) she sounds like she will become a real poultry addict, next you'll find her on the internet looking up hens hahah, sounds like a lovely little girl
I have 5 chickens!

A black cochin bantam named - Kochin
In sweden the breed is pronounced as Cock-in.. yeah don't ask so we decided to name her Kochin pronounced as Ko-sheen since I always thought Cochin was pronounced that way haha!

A golden New Hampshire chicken named - Hazel
She got that name because the color of of feathers were literally Hazel color when she was a baby :)

A blue andalusian named - Blomman
It means 'the flower' in Swedish

A brahma mix breed named - Dino
Keep in mind that this flock is my first flock of chickens I have ever had. When we bough Dino they said she was basically fully matured, soon at POL but after a month she had literally DOUBLED in size and for a first time owner who had never even held a chicken before she was quite intimidating so we named her Dino as in dinosaur because she was so huge. She is my big sweetheart <3

A cochin bantam named (okay, ready?) - Sir Dusty-milian Vitterving
She who became a he is the weirdest cockerel ever. I think he is a very late bloomer, he is around 5 months old a bit slow in the head, loves having full-body massages (he starts to purr and almost fall asleep when you rub his head) and he doesn't ever crow. The only times he crows is when he feels lonely which is ironic because the only time he gets lonely is when the other chickens goes inside the coop for the night. It's a bit hilarious and heart-breakining because he will start running around the run crowing and looking for them. But it passes as soon as he sees someone, chicken, human doesn't matter. I love him!

Those are my names for my chickens!
I have a chick who's name is chikitita. My mum was the one who gave her that name. I also have Troy my great rooster. I also have Henna, Beauty,Reddy and Sophie.
We have three hens:

1. Joanie, a.k.a. "Big Red," a large red sex-link... if you've ever watched "Mad Men," you'll understand how she got the name ;)

2. Tina Turner, a petite little red sex-link who loves to shake a tail feather!

3. David Bowie, a buff bearded Americauna, by far our best layer, but she looks so goofy and androgynous next to the other two that the name just made sense :)

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