cutest chicken names!

I have seven chicks and names are still evolving for them. My four hens are named Buffy, Shorty (BO's) Bandit (Ameraucana) and Chickness (RIR) Chickness came from Catniss on the Hunger Games.

Possibles for the chicks are Sassy, Loki, Fidget and Little Bit.

We also have a wild Cream Legbar bantam that visits us in the morning and gets her feed. I call her Chicken Little because she's the only bantam I've had anything to do with. Tried keeping her in the coop and decided it was kinder to let her roam. The big girls were bullying her too much.
Wheaten Ameraucana Hen- Dum Dum
Speckled Ameraucana Hen- Mother Superior
Black/White Ameraucana Roo- Pepper
Red Ameraucana Roo-Rusty
Buff Orpington Hens- Ginger, Pumpkin, Biscuit
Barred Rock Hens- Meatball, Nugget, Potato
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Our new flock: roos- Levi, Wrangler, Voodoo, Nash, Dallas, Memphis

Hens- betty, Lula mae, dixie-bell, lucy, effie, magnolia, laveau, Charlotte, scarlett, and savannah
A Buff Orpington named "Mumthers" is the cutest we have! The name Mumthers was from a character in a book who was such a good cook she could supposedly make bark a delicacy. We are hoping that Mumthers will lay eggs that are just as good as those make by her namesake!

I also went with old lady names lol. My barred rocks are Henrietta and Claudette, my isa's are Lucinda and we just lost Cordelia, my rir's are Rosetta and Scarlet, and my ee's are Amelia and Cleo. Cleo was supposed to be Charlotte till I saw the black outlining her eyes. Scarlet didn't get her name because she's red. Scarlet had a truly messed up tail when we got her so we named her after Scarlet Ohara, because of her tragic tale lol.
Wheaten Ameraucana Hen- Dum Dum
Speckled Ameraucana Hen- Mother Superior
Black/White Ameraucana Roo- Pepper
Red Ameraucana Roo-Rusty
Buff Orpington Hens- Ginger, Pumpkin, Biscuit
Barred Rock Hens- Meatball, Nugget, Potato
So I'm reading these names and said "hey, these are the names my daughter gave to her flock!" You really did sign up with that profile name hahahahaha.

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