cutest chicken names!

I don't have chickens, But my quail are named:
-Quatro (He was egg #4 and hatched first)
-Daisy (Just a cute name)
-Texas Ranger (from Talladega Nights)
-DIDLS (pronounced diddles-he couldn't stand when he was born so he would "diddle around")
-PJ (stands for Peanutbutter & Jelly)
-Pikku (means small in Finnish, he was the runt)
I have 3 Buff orphs

3 barred rocks
Almond Joy

they are all characters, just turned 12 weeks old and are growing like weeds YAY :)
I'm naming all of mine after characters in novels by a favorite author (Georgette Heyer). So they'll have names like Frederica, Venetia, Babs, Serena, Leonie, Prudence, and Abigail. Good historical English names for Heritage English chickens, LOL!

A friend's mom names all of hers after famous authors (Jane Austen, all three Bronte sisters, etc.).
I have 3 Buff orphs

3 barred rocks
Almond Joy

they are all characters, just turned 12 weeks old and are growing like weeds YAY :)

Clockwise from brown SFH "Henretta", Legbar/isbar "Velvet", Isbar "Owelette", white was going to be Lilly but she insisted on "Princess' she is isbar, isbar "Daisy", and "Mauve" who is legbar/isbar.
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I have a buff orp named buffy the hen slayer (after the show buffy the vampire slayer,it was supposed to be buffy the egg layer but he turned out to be a roo). I have a black australorp named Charles Chickens. A RIR named Sesame and a cream legbar named Sherlock Combs. Other names I have are Freckles, Rudy, Bindi and a salmon faverolle named Sammy.
I love your names!!!!!!!!! mine are butch (a mean old game rooster), Ella, Matty, Molly, Mohawk, fuzzy wuzzy, Lucy, Gwen, melody, and yellow legs,. lol I had help with the names from my kids. and now we have 6 new baby chicks to name! (i am trying to hold off a little they are only a week and I'd like to try for gender related names as if there are any divinities in the chicken game lol) On the plus side my chicken math is improving!
I have only three layers: 1) A black astralorp who is really chicken. She runs from everything, so her name is Pansy. 2) A Barred Rock named Roxy (Rocksie lol) and 3) a golden red Americana dubbed Ruby.

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