cutest chicken names!

mine are henrietta, maurine, and cheepy. my son wanted to name his lil wayne but I said cheepy would be better for a girls name lol
So, most of mine do have old lady names... I just seen chickens as little old ladies. I guess it's the broody hen thing. But a couple of mine have funny names.
We have a Silver Dorking named Harriett the Spy, because she looks like she is spying on everyone and randomly comes flying around the corner at the other chicks. Haha! We have Ginger a Rhode Island Red and Violet a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte (get it, red and blue make purple?). My little Ameracauna is named Nutmeg because as a day old chick she was a little ball of nutmeg-cinnamon colored fluff. We have Zoey the Barred Rock, and my daughter named her little Iowa Blue Clementine, but she died... :(

My other chicken names (the old lady names) are Stella, Henrietta(I think the most common chicken name ever!), Cordelia, and Margo. We have one more chick that doesn't have a name yet, and are getting two more this weekend to finish our flock. Thinking of the names Magnolia, Bernadine and Eloise for the new chicks, but we won't name them until they get here..
I have 2 Ameraucanas, one named Pebble, and one named Pumpkin (instead of looking like a standard Ameraucana, she looks like we dipped her in bleach and outlined her feathers in gold :)). We have a Rhode Island Red named Ruby (we also had one named Little Red). We have two Buff Brahmas, one is named Paisley and the other is Stoney. :D we love our pretty little hens!
I have 2 Ameraucanas, one named Pebble, and one named Pumpkin (instead of looking like a standard Ameraucana, she looks like we dipped her in bleach and outlined her feathers in gold :)). We have a Rhode Island Red named Ruby (we also had one named Little Red). We have two Buff Brahmas, one is named Paisley and the other is Stoney. :D we love our pretty little hens!
My older children wanted to have an inside joke when we bought meat birds, so they called them as follows;
White Meat
Dark Meat
That way we could say the name of the bird we were having for dinner and not make the younger children feel sad.

And we had a pullet that stood almost vertical so I called her "You'd Better Be a Hen" and the name stuck.
I'm not being terribly original with names, my hens are going to be named after herbs and spices, kinda like this.....


and the Roo will be Basil, Chili, or Cayenne

I LOVE Mary Poopins
I have lots of chicken names for my chickens...but I don't think any of them are actually cute!

I have or have had Emily, Katrina, Eugene, Noril'sk, Tunguska, Scarlet, Ruby, Eowyn, Faramir, I can't remember too many more.
Strutter is most likely the cutest name I have ever named a chicken.

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