Cutest chicks contest Ends Sep 13th (Winner Posted on Page 5)

Serama: name is Piper

Cochin: no name yet
but look at those feet!
My young cockerel 'Jeckle' as a day old, shows he is going to have some tufts.


Here he is now at about 10 weeks.


This is Puff Ball, a buff laced Polish cockerel. Ain't he cute?


Just hatched, Thunder, Lightning and Storm with their brood mother who is a Jersey Giant.

name: Minerva McGonagall
age: 2 weeks
gender: pullet
breed: minorca (I think)

This is Minerva McGonagall, and I think she's a minorca. She jumped up and pecked our pit bull boy on the nose every time he stuck it in the box to stare at the babies. One time she even grabbed his tongue and held on while he pulled his head out of the box. She didn't let go until she was out of the box, and he was SO surprised! She is the spunkiest chick I have, and I LOVE her!
Here are my new chicks. No names yet and about a couple of days old in the picture. They are bantam cochins. Picture courtesy of Flufnstuff.

Here is a mixture of my chicks sleeping in the grass. Four white silkies, 4 red silkies, 2 silver sebrights, 4 gold sebrights not all show in the pic.

and here is a red silkie and white silkie

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