Cutest chicks contest Ends Sep 13th (Winner Posted on Page 5)

here i go!


this was my first hatch of this year and ionly got 9 and only ended up with 8
this is also a bantam porcelain d'uccle from my first hatch of this year.

now going onto to my second hatch this year!
here are my babies! i only got 3
2 are buff orps and 1 is i think a cornish... not sure but dont worrie i dont kill my chickies!

here is buffy one of my little buff orp pullets that is not afraid of anything! the first time she saw my camera she started pecking at it and i stuck my hand out and she just pecked at me and then let me pet her.

here is one of my other little buff orp pullets pea-wee she is kinda shy but really likes me. and she is the smallest baby chick so far but i have a feeling she will catch up soon because i have never heard of a "small" buff orp!

and last but not least the one little chickie think is a cornish but not sure she/he was supose to be a buff orp pullet but i am thinking not! but no matter what i will not kill him/her andhe/she will live its whole life! oh and he/she's name is Amanda because it was my friends birthday today and she wanted me to name a chickie after her.
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These are a blue cochin pullet and a turken pullet (buff?) both just over a week old and from Ideal, no names yet im open for sudgestions?

Not sure what all we have here....but this is what I have been told (Thanks BYC'ers). Also is 10:55 my time so not sure which time zone contest ends at....

2 1/2 weeks old...all of em

All Bantams....

#1....Partridge Cochin "Cookie"

#2....Blue Cochin "Kelly"

#3....Light Brahma "Snuggles"

"edited to add names"



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