Cutting your goats hooves?

When I got my goats I was told that I'd only need to trim their feet 2, maybe 3 times a year. Ha, ha, ha! I have to do it at about every other month. It does make a difference on how fast they grow depending on the terrain they are on. Mine's all grassy and dirt.
I just got hoof shears at Fleet Farm and I just take them out and lay them over with my knee lightly on their shoulder/neck area so that if they get bucky I can apply a little pressure. My goats are VERY not civilized so trimming them with them standing isnt going to happen. I have nicked the quick a few times, enough to draw a few droplets of blood, and it doesnt even phase them. Dont worry so much. And have fun, if the animal is well-behaved then it can be enjoyable for both of you. I had a show sheep that LOVED trimming and grooming time cause she got treats and one on one time with me.
It's not hard to do at all. I do my own sheep and goats. I just tie them up and lift one foot at a time. Get a good sharp pair of hoof shears. They will last a long time.
Trimming goats hooves...Not hard at all once you know what you are doing...What should the hoof look like when you are finished? Got any new kids? Look at their feet...they have the perfect trim job. Grab one take a look...start on your most gentle goat...most of ours will stand still and let you pick up their feet, one at a time, and trim them.....don't forget the dew claw...If you are unsure start by just taking a little off...let them stand on it...then maybe a little more...then grab a kid...look at their foot again...and so it goes until you will be able to do it with your eyes closed....although not recommended...I trim does the week before weaning...then in the fall when they come back inside...the billies once a should make sure that all animals are up to date on tetanus shots....good time for boosters too.

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