CX dying like flies



All will be well, and that will be well is well.
Aug 3, 2018
Black Hills, South Dakota, USA
My 3 wk old CX chicks are dying at a rate of 1 a day. One morning I found two stiff little corpses. I ordered them through the feed store—maybe that was a mistake. So far I’ve lost six. I have them in a Suskovich tractor. This is a photo of it filled with Color Yield meaties earlier. There are 2 heat-emitting lamps and one red lamp in there in case they want them. I turn them on in the evening since it’s now hot during the days. I tarp the ends in the evenings and open them up in the mornings.


I move the tractors every day to give them fresh grass, but (unlike the CYs), they don’t show any interest in it. They loll around like ever-expanding little ticks. It’s even hard to move the tractor because they don’t want to move with it. I have to do it a couple of inches at a time and sometimes go in there to pick up one that just won’t (or can’t?) get up. I’ve been feeding them FastGrow by Hubbard, but I was planning to switch to their “Developer” once this runs out. There’s maybe an eighth of a bag left. I’m gonna mix it into my poults’ feed and switch the meaties to Developer today in case that’s the problem. They have clean water in a nipple feeder and I’ve been adding ice to it if the temps get very high, but really, it’s not uncomfortable temp-wise (to me) inside the tractor.

I am at a loss and am suspecting it’s the breeder, because I see others on YouTube raising CX successfully and I’ve also heard that some strains of CX are more hardy than others. Is there something I’m not doing that I should be or that I am doing that I ought not?

I had almost no trouble with my CYs. I had to cull one early on who developed leg troubles; I found one dead around 6 wks, and toward the end, one got squished under the tractor as I was moving it (so my fault). She was big enough that I fixed her for dinner that evening. But like I said, lots of folks have great success with CX. I really enjoyed the CYs though and I think they’re better than the grocery store CX or the Hutterite ones I’ve had. I just wanted to try both so I could decide which to raise in the future. Right now I’m thinking I’m not excited about CX.
CX are prone to heart issues because their bodies grow faster than their heart and bones can keep up with. If given feed they will eat 100% of the time. Last time I had some I did 2 feedings a day and round the clock water. My roosters made it to 10 weeks ($1 chickens my daughter wanted to try to keep alive, would not recomend) and my hen lasted till 8 months when we finally decided to cull her because her quality of life was low. Also, maybe try a lower protein percentage food?
Nothing on the boxes about Teflon coating, @Tycine1 , they’re both made in China—the black and the red, but then, what isn’t? I put the red bulb in so they could find their way to the heat if they got cold in the night. I have another black one though. Would that be better, do you think?

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