Cynthia, New pics of my Blue Amer. Boy or Girl?


12 Years
Mar 28, 2007
Memphis TN
Ok remember my camera stinks.


Adam, that one is going to be one you may have to wait on. I had one I had pegged as a pullet with a comb very similar to that one, center ridge raised, but turning a tiny bit pink a tiny bit earlier than I would have thought. Kept me guessing for quite awhile. In the end, 'she' turned out to be a lateblooming cockerel with an odd comb. The comb never looked like Scout's in the pics I showed you previously. It looked like a center ridge standing alone with a point on the back of it that stood up some. The three ridges never were prominant on it. Some really can fool you in this breed because they don't follow the patterns.
Little Buggers. Could I take her/him to a vet and have it sexed? or is that a complete wast of time. The only reason I ask is because I have someone that may want him if he is a he and I like to move the roos out ASAP.
I'm not sure a vet would even know what he/she is looking for in a chicken, LOL. That picture I posted was right about the time I was beginning to wonder if this was really a pullet after all. Some will keep you guessing while some will declare themselves at three or four weeks old. Wish they'd all crow at five days old like Scout's first son.
speckledhen, yours looks like a roo to me, my pullets got close to no combs until they hit maturity. And those eyes just scream boy!
With my amers they usually have hackles before they get their combs anyhow. Maybe a breed thing or a bloodline thing, I have never asked.
Is it a breed thing?

herechickchick, I would say its a roo, but I am by all means no expert. I have only been breeding them since 2004.

Anna, that one suddenly began to not look so pullet-ish right at that point, so I had taken a picture to show someone. That one was about 11 or 12 weeks old, I think, way later than most cockerels declare themselves, at least in my experience with them. And till that week, the comb had been very flat except the center ridge. So, yes, by that point in time, it was beginning to look more rooish. I'm used to them having a definite roo's comb by six weeks old.

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