Cyst below hens vent??

Alright! Squeezed the rest out( now it's just like a little hollow pouch) flushed it with some betadine then put a little of this ointment on it that we have from a previous vet visit. Thank you everyone for all your help- I so appreciate it!
View attachment 1855558 Alright! Squeezed the rest out( now it's just like a little hollow pouch) flushed it with some betadine then put a little of this ointment on it that we have from a previous vet visit. Thank you everyone for all your help- I so appreciate it!
Was it hard pus?
Yes, almost like a little white grain, it was just once piece though not multiple. I didn't think to ask, but is there anything else I should do besides cleaning it? I cleaned it this morning and plan to again this evening
No, that should be good enough.
Just keep an eye on the area, to see if it comes back.

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