D’uccle and Cochin bantam ??


Mar 14, 2018
With so many chicks advertised falsely this year now I’m starting to look at a few and really wonder... these two were sold as a d’uccle (darker of the two) and a Cochin bantam... I know little about either breeds. Just shy of 3 weeks old... little d’uccle is looking as I expected but from comparing pictures of Cochin chicks at this age, I’d expect this little chick to be far more feathered by now. Any ideas ?

Praying for a miracle and hoping these are pullets - I kind of love the “d’uccle”


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Don't know about what breeds they are, but after a quick google search, I don't think that feathering speed is part of the Cochin breed requirement.

He (and I am guessing he. Males are usually the slowest to feather out) might just be a slow-feathering cochin. In any case, I can't think of what else he could be.
D'uccle grow slowly they don't feather out till about 6 to 8 weeks the cochen is a slow grower too my cochen d'uccle mix chick is 8 weeks and feathered out just recently.she looks cochen but is the size of my d'uccle s. Very cute and friendly. Edited for spelling. Here is a 10 wk old chick just feathered out.
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One thing I can say about those pictures, The cochins aren't well bred. The outside of a cochin's middle toe is supposed to be fully feathered. You can see most of the black Cochin's middle toe. You'll be able to see the extent of the foot feathering in the chick down.

And in my experience, cochins (at least the Large fowl ones I have) are slow feathering.
D'uccle grow slowly they don't feather out till about 6 to 8 weeks the cochen is a slow grower too my cochen d'uccle mix chick is 8 weeks and feathered out just recently.she looks cochen but is the size of my d'uccle s. Very cute and friendly. Edited for spelling. Here is a 10 wk old chick just feathered out.
Thanks all ! I will post more photos in 2 weeks and see if there’s much change !
A few weeks have past, I was worrying that my Cochin was a roo but now I’m not sure... compared to my other Cochin chicks who already have large combs and wattles showing at 2 weeks old. Any thoughts ?? This chick is just over 6 weeks old now. Many thanks


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Agree, Silver Laced Cochin and Porcelain d'Uccle. :)
I'm pretty sure my Cochin cockerels had larger/redder comb and wattles at 6 weeks, but don't hold me to it. Is the plumage patchy around the shoulder area? This is often a good indicator of gender for laced birds. :D


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