D’uccle experts please help


Jan 10, 2018
South Australia
Getting lots of mixed feed back about my Belgium D’uccles sex. Anyone keen to assist with answer that knows the breed well and how they develop?
Ok cool. thanks again. I had gotten 3 babies originally (2 Australorp, 1 isa) and 2 were cockerels so traded them for two younger babies (Belgium D’uccle and Japanese Bantam). Then I got two point of lays recently after it looking like the D’uccle was at least a cockerel. The Japanese and Australorp from original three are pullers so I can handle that I guess. Hopefully never have to rehome my boy though, he’s such a character. Both him and the Japanese have taken to roosting on my solar light (stake type) cheeky little monsters
I kept a D’Uccle cockerel last year for beauty and personality, but it had the most obnoxious crow I’ve ever heard so it was rehomed. You may want to invest in a no crow collar if you plan on keeping a quiet yard. :lol:

Never seen a pure black one before either, thought it was a cute Cochin at first.
d'Uccles are very loud and high pitched. And they are very noisy birds even the hens. I use to raise Millie Fleur and Porcelain d'Uccles. I had to sell them, the noise never stopped.
He is a d'Uccle or a booted bantam. Looks like his beard is kinda thin or growing but there is something there. His body shape, tail, leg feathering, and leg length is wrong for Cochin.

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