D’uccle experts please help

He is a d'Uccle or a booted bantam. Looks like his beard is kinda thin or growing but there is something there. His body shape, tail, leg feathering, and leg length is wrong for Cochin.
He is a d'Uccle or a booted bantam. Looks like his beard is kinda thin or growing but there is something there. His body shape, tail, leg feathering, and leg length is wrong for Cochin.

Would this be said beard coming through?
Yay. He is such a lovely little guy. Loves his cuddles and gets a bit jealous if I’m petting one of his sisters (australorp 9wk and Japanese Bantam 6wk) so he will give me a quick peck to say dad I want more back rubs lol.
I've never seen Black d'Uccles here in the US. I kinda like them.
If you look closely you will notice some white/cream speckles around crop area. He also has quite a few growing through around what I’d guess could be called back and shoulders. Was a pure black baby but as getting his big boy feathers he’s starting to speckle.

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