Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

she/he is the only one out of 6 that can not get her/his little button to go under for a dive in the water. She/he trys so hard. She/he got it once but couldn't do it again. She/he I think got so excited about it that she/he forgot how she/he did it.
Oh, that is cute. I hope the little dumpling figures it out.
I have a little update

The grey calls are about to go out into the aviary in another week

Isis is about to go into the juvenile brooder and it's confirmed she is a she. With her loud quaking starting very early at week 3 so I have one boy grey and 2 girls so far . I hope my magpies work out as well maybe a boy and a girl but I'm very rarely that lucky
That is awesome. Are you having the best the with them? Little Isis has to sound cute quacking like that. As a call duck, would her quack be as loud as a pekin hen's?
Quote: Yes they are a perfect delight everyday. and she is so cute i wish i could get pictures of her but she has alittle baby mandarin buddy who, if over stressed, could die quite easily so no pictures until they are out in the aviary. Hmm my call ducks are certainly loud but it seems more like a sharp sound than the deep loud sound of a larger female mallard derived breed so im gonna say probably about as loud but a different tone.
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She is fast. The face plant flip over scared me but when I watched it again she had quickly recovered. Can she outrun Wobbles?

Why does he do that? Is he jealous or threatened by her? It makes me feel bad that he picks on her. He is naughty even if he is out of this world cute.

She can run circles around him if she has to, but she's also kind of a dum-dum so she tends to get herself cornered a lot. :p As for Wobs, I think it's a mix of jealousy, hormones and territorial behavior. He had total run of the house for nearly two years before lil' Bean came along, it'll just take time and patience, is all. The occasional butt nip is leaps ahead of where they were a month ago when he'd viciously grab onto her!

I have two call ducks that were born early November i think the drake is going into eclipse plumage and do they lose their wing feathers in an eclipse? The reason i ask is because they live in an open topped run and i need to clip their wings if they regrow.
how long does it normally take? He only has a few brown feathers at the moment.
I also have 3 call ducklings and 2 mallard x call ducklings and I was wondering if you could tell their quality from these pictures. They are 2 weeks old today.

My blue fawn

My black bibbed

My chocolate magpie

So what do you think?
[COLOR=333333]Hello, [/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]I have two call ducks that were born early November i think the drake is going into eclipse plumage and do they lose their wing feathers in an eclipse? The reason i ask is because they live in an open topped run and i need to clip their wings if they regrow.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=333333]how long does it normally take? He only has a few brown feathers at the moment. [/COLOR]
yes, they'll regrow their wings.

2 new babies I got last night. I'm new to owning call ducks, is there anything breed specific I should know?
How long does it usually take?
full molts take 6 to 8 weeks. I start watching mine around week 3 and see if the flight feather s fell out yet. One they fall put I check the new blood feathers every couple days to see if they're long enough to fly yet.

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