Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Your avatar of round duck needs me to scoop and kiss.

lol, thanks- It is actually a wild duck I got a picture of, because right now I am duckless.

I really want a call though- the CHEEKS are irrisistable!
How bad of an idea would it be to put a small number of calls with a mixed flock of larger medium sized ducks? Just wondering for future reference. I don't have any calls, but they're so adorable.
How bad of an idea would it be to put a small number of calls with a mixed flock of larger medium sized ducks? Just wondering for future reference. I don't have any calls, but they're so adorable.
i really dont recommend it. Bigger ducks can easily hurt calls very badly, a call ducks are (or at least mine are) about the size of a pigeon so take that to the size of a pekin or a rouen and its not a pretty picture if they get hurt.
My calls lived with my anconas. Just make sure the calls have hiding places the bigger ducks can't get into & they will be fine.

i really dont recommend it. Bigger ducks can easily hurt calls very badly, a call ducks are (or at least mine are) about the size of a pigeon so take that to the size of a pekin or a rouen and its not a pretty picture if they get hurt. 

Thanks for the input. I do have three mallards and they get along fine with the bigger ducks. As for the bigger ducks, I have one Cayuga, one buff, two WH, two smallish runners and four half-mallard mutts. The three mutts that are boys are the only ones that are really rambunctious, as they are only six months old or so, and I plan on getting rid of them. But I know calls are much more fragile than mallards, and much smaller. I have also heard they aren't as winter-hardy, and winter in northwestern Ohio can be petty brutal sometimes. And that they can fly pretty well. And they're loud. Maybe it's not a good idea...

I just had a dream about getting baby calls last night and it made me want them really bad. Like really bad. And then I watched a video of a call quacking and it's the cutest sound ever and it made me want them even more! Pied calls are calling my name... Lol

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