Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!


Little brat was inside today for supervision. He flew inside the dog run and one of them had him in her mouth before I got there. No injury, thank goodness, except maybe to my heart. He now has trimmed wings.

:th So glad he's okay! I would have died right then and there to see such a handsome little guy in such a predicament! I can't help you on the wing clipping question, but hopefully someone can. At least in chickens, my understanding is that the only reason to leave the secondaries is to make it less obvious that the wing has been clipped, otherwise it doesn't matter. Not sure if that's the same with ducks, though. Sorry, I'm no help. :oops:

Post your guesses!! :D

Ooh, ooh, I got this! The first one is too stinking cute, and the second one is so very tiny and adorable. What do I win? :D
:th So glad he's okay! I would have died right then and there to see such a handsome little guy in such a predicament! I can't help you on the wing clipping question, but hopefully someone can. At least in chickens, my understanding is that the only reason to leave the secondaries is to make it less obvious that the wing has been clipped, otherwise it doesn't matter. Not sure if that's the same with ducks, though. Sorry, I'm no help. :oops:
Thanks! I wasn't sure if it might reduce lift some more... little bugger's probably going to try it again...

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