Daily Duck Egg Report

Here zilch on the duck eggs 6 chicken eggs, at least the chickens that aren't molting are still laying. and my year old drake has a new head, yep he has molted just about all the blk out of his head. They are like chameleons[sp].
Here zilch on the duck eggs 6 chicken eggs, at least the chickens that aren't molting are still laying. and my year old drake has a new head, yep he has molted just about all the blk out of his head. They are like chameleons[sp].
I think my ducks maybe through for the year. Season started off so early this year.
I hope not ML! I found 4 eggs today!
Yay HDF, well since my ducks[Muscovy] are much more seasonal than other breeds I'm not holding out much hope of finding many more and since nothing I have done has got these 5 girls up off their nest since July I really don't see much going on. I even found my drake[his 3 girls are broody] sitting in his own nest in the stall with them. Honest he has made his own nest. I'll have to get a pic of him it's so cute.
Um, i think 2 chicken eggs(there are only 4 hens of laying age) and 6 duck eggs? mind you somebody is probably laying somewhere, i don't find them all lol My scovies are pretty strong layers and likely won't cease till October, that is at least last years following and they resumed in Feb.
Today my 3 laying-right-now ducks gave me 2 eggs... One was blue ish, so def from my Runner, the other from my mixed gal that hatched in Spring. Both Rouens are pretty deeply molting, so they may be thru for the season.

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