Dairy goat experts needed!!


6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
Hello! I just need some information and clarification. I am being told that I will have to keep my male goat far away from the female when she is in milk because if not the milk will taste like the buck. Is this true? I'm just trying to understand how it's possible but I guess there's plenty I don't understand. Thanks!
the smell of buck is something that u either love or hate. the smell is actually oils and hormones in the oils secreted by the buck from glands on the top of his head/not to mention him peeing on himself and his beard (if he has one)

the smell not only gets in to the milk, but gets on you and stays. u might not smell it, but anyone else that gets near you will smell it.

it permeates everything.l love the smell and so miss it that i actually go to visit a local dairy during breeding season to get a sniff or three. (sick fetish there i know.)

smells are scents. and scents are spread as molecules. the molecules get absorbed by various items. just like onion or sage permeats in to everything even eggs....

there is even a soap being sold called 'buck off'. for dairy farmers to use inthe shower. i was once i.d.'d by a sniffer beagle in an airport coming in to america because the smell of buck must have rubbed off on to my backpack/
anyhow... buck smell can carry for kilometers away, and even more if u have the nose of a doe .
Best thing to take buck smell off is goats milk soap. We have a buck that runs with the does year round. What we do is give the does a dairy clip(haircut) brush them occasionally and wash off their utters well (with goats milk soap) before milking. Never had any problems with odors/off flavors in the milk. Remember to use super clean containers to milk into, strain into sterilized jars and chill to below 40 degrees within 30 minutes. The easiest way to do that is to immerse your jars in ice water :)

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