Danger of Canada Geese!!!!

Well... they are wild animals... and swans chase children at local parks too...

i mean if they are that much of a pest then the government will raise the limit, but they ARE a protected animal by the crown SO don't count on it.

they scare off the wild turkeys here THANK GOD because seriously those wild turkeys REALLY ARE a menace to society. has one of those things ever hit your windshield during take off? yeah they can do some damage LOL.
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They're birds. How can they help it if they're flying along, a few dozen MPH and a whopping great airplane comes like hundreds of MPH and hits them? I mean I'm glad everyone's ON but the birds died. And if the kids are pestering them, can you really BLAME them if they get freaked out? I personally LOVE Canada geese. I'm studying their honks and such to try and figure out what they're saying. I've already done it for crows and obviously, chickens.

Just my 2 cents. Nobody get mad at me please
When I lived in the Midwest, the office park I worked in paid a dog-walking service to bring a bunch of dogs through the park on long leashes. The dogs kept the Canada geese away. My current employer keeps a retriever-type dog on site to chase off the Canada geese. He goes home at night with one of the security guys though.

You'd think there would be some technical solution to make it so the airflow of the plane blows the birds well away from the engines before they get hit. I don't know enough about turbines to figure that out, though.
We have ordinances about feeding the geese bread in the parks with ponds. Our residents thought the geese were so wonderful that they were taking out loaves of stale bread and throwing the slices to the geese. The geese loved it, and started depending on it to the point where they weren't migrating, just staying for the bread. And they started chasing people for the bread. Now bread is not the preferred menu for geese. So of course, their health was suffering, and the eggs they laid were not good. The babies hatched out weak, sick and deformed. Not to mention the fact that the poo was slimy and slick everywhere in the parks. So now it's against the law to feed the geese, and they are finally getting the message and going on to where ever they were headed in the first place. Having said all that I have to add...I love the Canada Geese.
I saw a man at my local farmers market trying to sell some Canadian geese... it's illegal ....

I just shook my head and walked on.... he was trying to tell this hispanic lady that they were cross breeds but they looked pure to me....
I am there with you! I love all my visitors in the winter. My mixed breed domestic goose brings them all here to eat. There are about 40 of them that will all hang out in my yard..about 12 of them on my side walk out front, 2 that come up on the front porch and look in with my goose and 2 ducks!~ They wonder all about, and they clean up my pastures!!

I edited to add that I do not attempt to make them friendly or have them trust me too much...I didn't want anyone to think I am trying tame the Canada Geese!!!
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