d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Well I go into the coop to close it up and up on my coops rafter(8ft) is one of my D'Anver chicks.
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It's not Barred Red but Barred Blue Quail. I got it from Kristen Ramsdell and it have kind of red on it that is why I keep thinking it call Barred Red. This pic is when he was 3 months old

I got ya, you have me curious there for a minute... Yes my dun cuckoo are the same. Made them off my dun quail and cuckoo males. Got the same red quail leakage on a few on my first cross. I have solid dun hens now, so they'll be going back to them this year to clear up the color.

Still got me wondering on it JJ...feed it some steroids so it'll grow fast haha
Well, I'm no help. All I can tell you is that it is of the cute pocket pet variety, LOL.

JJ, I know what you mean about trying to get the camera to show what you're seeing with your own eyes. Sometimes cameras can show stuff you can't see, but mostly, it seems they make it hard to represent what you're seeing in person, especially if it's subtle.
It's wing feathers are looking cream colored hard to tell yet but it's not a bright white like my white pullets. Will post more when it feathers up a little more.


Do all the d'Anvers have such a thick beard when so small?
Or is this a characteristic of some colors or just roos?

Oooo and can you just picture this little one against a black background!
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I agree with Cyn too JJ

On the beards, no you can look back threw some of the pics of chicks, so have it some dont. All it means is you had a really good line you were using to make them. Some hatchery chicks wont even show beards. But birds of good stock will hatch like JJ's chicks is beard wise
Black back ground comming up. Put three more of these in the hatcher tonight. I will know if it is a sport by this weekend. The way it's shaped I think it will turn out to be a rose-combed bearded bantam orphington.


In that last picture, I think I see the creaminess in the wings, jj. Doesn't look white to me, either. Whatever it turns out to be, it's a cute little tubbo.

Penny may be about to FINALLY lay her first egg. She ignored me...yes, Penny the Pocket Pet ignored me when I walked in the coop this morning in favor of trying to situate her fat bottom in a nest, pulling straw around her. Penny would rather be cuddled than eat, so I knew something was up with her. She went into several nests, but no egg today. I think tomorrow may be the day for her. Cross your fingers!

ETA: Now that I look back at the pictures, jj, I can see what you mean in the first picture as well. Should be fun watching this one grow.
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In that last picture, I think I see the creaminess in the wings, jj. Doesn't look white to me, either. Whatever it turns out to be, it's a cute little tubbo.

Penny may be about to FINALLY lay her first egg. She ignored me...yes, Penny the Pocket Pet ignored me when I walked in the coop this morning in favor of trying to situate her fat bottom in a nest, pulling straw around her. Penny would rather be cuddled than eat, so I knew something was up with her. She went into several nests, but no egg today. I think tomorrow may be the day for her. Cross your fingers!

ETA: Now that I look back at the pictures, jj, I can see what you mean in the first picture as well. Should be fun watching this one grow.

Hope you get lot's of eggs.

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