d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Thank you. I'll pick her up for a closer look when I move them into their newly built custom coop. I can hold her then without worrying about her flying off :)
I was brought up with Road Island Reds and a few wee mixed bantams so these beauties are new to me :)

My trio of Cuckoos. Thank you Aubrey.
Wish someone would pick up some eggs from me while they're still laying, if you're in my area. I still have some. Aimee, Carly and Maura are laying and I hope Mina is about to start back up, but doubtful, since it's October now. Penny hasn't laid in a full year and Lucy hasn't in almost that long. I am 99% sure that Lucy is Penny's daughter.
I know what you mean Cynthia,
I ve gone from maybe 6-7 eggs a week back to 80 or so a day now. Usually this time of year is dead for me, but looks like a good fall lay is starting back. Usually once mine stop late summer, that's it til January or so. Im kinda liking it though because I get such a better survival rate in the fall and early spring than what I get mid summer. It's just too hot and too many bacterias growing in all our humidity I guess....
And if someone takes my two pairs I have up for rehoming, I'd just give them a dozen eggs; can't beat that, can you? I am just ready to move on and get ready for some changes around here. Ladyhawk is taking three pullets and my bantam Cochin rooster for a new line of Coch'anvers since her Beau died suddenly, which leaves me with the two pairs and little Jenny, who we'll just keep here since she is so tiny still. I'd love someone to just take those two pair off my hands-gosh, I'm basically giving them away and giving away a dozen hatching eggs with them, too.

My Aubrey has toned down so much in his "old age" and Spike is my good buddy so they can stay here. I'll have plenty of hens for them to share, but those two younger males keep fussing with each other and Spike has to referee all the time. Aubrey doesn't seem to care about any of it unless Spike mates one of his favorite hens.
I'd intended to put up a picture of the other two d'Anvers at my house earlier but the weather has demanded all my attention lately. These two are from a late-May incubator hatch where he came out of the tiniest egg and she had to be helped a bit when she rolled her egg close to an air leak and needed some judicious dampening and shell removal:


Jack the Splash Quail cockerel and Meg the Blue Quail pullet; they will be joined by Cheery the Quail hen who is currently with the chicks she hatched for a 75% Blue Quail breeding pen. I wish the kids would pose in profile, because their colors are wonderfully intense and his markings are jazzy.
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Hey everyone! (My old screen name was Bantambabesfarm). How is everyone doing? I have moved into my own home and have all my chicken area set up again. I took some pics of the chickens now that they are all adults. Its obvious to me looking at some of the pictures again online and in this thread that what I have needs much improvements and my silvers have something else going on behind them. But, that's okay. I am willing to work on what I have or get new stock come spring or sooner.

Anyway :) Any tips, hints etc that anyone can share to tell me what I need to know would be awesome! All comments and critique are appreciated and needed! You cant really see from the pics but all combs are looking good close up, even though they could use improvements. Are these guys what I think they are? Are they mixed with other colors? How can I expand on the traits?

BQ Hen and Q Roo

MF Hen


BQ Hens with a Q Roo - That you can only see his tail.

SQ Roo... and Over melanized SQ Hen? He looks like he has barring in his hackles and is obviously carrying a lot of brown colors. Is he crossed with barred colors? How can I get rid of that or carry it out into a full color?

Same SQ Roo with a SQ Hen and the Black SQ hen

Another of the same group. Are these Silver quail hens? They all have white breasts, not salmon.

Hey Alyssa, good to see you posting. I don't think your to bad off with your chickens. Looks like your silver rooster only has one silver gene, causes him not too look real clean But he only gives one gene to the off spring. That means the pullets will either be silver quail or normal quail. The males 50% will be pure silver and the rest will be half and half like him. I think you can use him next year and get some good pullets of both colors, then get a new rooster for the next year. I wouldn't worry too much about the dark hen, Some of my best one come out of those hens. Once they get too light it is hard to get them darker especially in the wing bows. This is just what I have seen out of my birds and I usually go with observations like that until I see something else that contradicts it. On the blue quail the light one looks like a silver blue, if she is you need to put her with the silver quail. My theory on the blue quail is to pick a quail male with a lot of black striping in the saddles and breed to the blue quail hens and it seems to work. Again, I can't say that I know any of this stuff just go by what I see happen and adjust from there.


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