d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Does anyone here do Punnett Squares? I just bought some D'anver chicks (love the breed!) and I've got 3 blue females, and 1 porcelain female and male (pair). What would breeding blue x porcelain create?
Why is it bad that it dilutes black? Why is is hard to separate? It won't cause any health problems, will it? I've read that breeding some colors (I think it was gold x gold) can be bad in as far as chick survivability. What would a black/blue split look like? Would the mottled be blue/black/lavender? Sorry for all the questions!
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The fact that they both dilute is not bad. It is just unless you are trying to make a specific color I don't like to mix them. You can have a blue bird with one lavender gene ( It takes two lavender genes to show) Sell it as blue and later on lavender birds start showing up. I think mixing color should be done with a purpose not just to see what comes out, but that is just me I have had some mixed birds mess up some color projects in the past. Mottled is another gene that each parent has to contribute one so the off spring will have two before it will show. So the blues and blacks would carry one mottle gene and one lavender gene so they would just look liike blues and blacks but will probably show some gold leakage from the porcelain.
So, if I were to breed 2 of the blues/blacks that were produced together, I could get lavender or mottled? Would the porcelain color just completely vanish, or would some porcelain still be produced? Again, sorry for all the questions. I just would like to know before I start breeding/hatching. :)
You would get blacks, lavenders, mottled (blue, black, lavender) lavender columbians, porcelain, millies, buff columbians and all of these in a blue version. Along with these there would be combinations of the above. Keep in mind to get all the possibilities you need to hatch 2500 or so birds. The most desireable colors would have the highest odds.
Thank you so much. :) That's really helpful and informative. I probably won't get to serious into breeding, but I would love love love to have lavender d'anvers. Lavender is my favorite chicken color.

Speaking of d'anvers, here are the little peeps in question. I have two other chicks, but I forget what they are. Lol.
Wow Chickee, that little cuckoo hen is sooooooo cute!!l
She has such a great personality too. I just might have to buy some more dun cuckoo eggs from Aubrey next year.

Just to contribute, here are Wrong Way Lucy and Sissy. The big move to the new coop broke Sissy's broody trance, as I hoped it would.

That's great! They are so pretty! Can't wait to hatch some eggs from my MF pair.

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