d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Aubrey with a bun, hmmmm. I guess I would do it for some fresh turkey
Thanks for sharing your pic of both you and your prize, both handsome fellas
OK guys, I'm finding that George, my hatchery D'Anver roo, is a bit of an ass. He thinks he's a 20 lb. rooster! He will take on the geese, the dog, the Wyandotte roo's and he's started getting aggressive with humans. He's not coming in contact, but he'll follow or walk beside us, then he'll get brave and fill out his neck feathers like he's about to attack. My grandson was playing in the barnyard with his toys and George was doing it to him, and I walked over just in time to stop him from jumping on my grandson's back. I actually booted him about ten feet with my foot. He hid for a few days and now he's back at it. This isn't something I want in any roo, but I've put up with it because he's so small. Is this normal with D'Anver's, or bantams as a whole? I have NO PROBLEM sending him down the road if this isn't normal behavior for pint sized roo's.
Like all the other post are saying, they can be that way, BUT usually not that extreme. Never had any here try a dog, goose, turkey anything like that, not even the single large fowl rooster I have.
Pretty much though, bantam roosters as a whole, do have a small man complex some breeds done, but as a group they generally came be a little spunky.

None of mine do it outside of breeding season though, and never young birds, always 1 year old or older.
Sounds like he may have an issue.

If he's trying kids, personally I wouldnt put up with it.
Our favorite roo (4 weeks old), Gazpacho started opening his mouth (like a yawn) frequently. There's no sound coming out and he is otherwise acting normal. Is this okay??? Is he trying to crow already, or trying to regurgitate (can chicks do that?) something? Should I be worried? He's with the other 4 chicks in the brooder in the basement, so its not too hot for him.
I just got my incubator back from my friends. I'm ready whenever those hens are. Of course the colors I like the most would prove difficult. They are worth the wait though.

sounds good Alex

havent gotten the bb reds back to laying yet, but did pick up 3 ginger reds today, maybe I can get you something put together pretty quick

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