Daphne isn’t well.

Treat for coccidiosis, just in case as well as worms with safe guard as Wyorp Rock suggested. If this dose not help, are you feeding long pieces of picked grass? This can cause a impacted crop. Check her crop in the morning, if it hasn't emptied, she may have an impacted crop.
What are you feeding?

I would re-check that crop first thing in the morning.
Her crop was empty and feels completely normal. It’s rainy here today, so it’s harder to watch her behavior - they all tend to hide under the deck to stay dry. She did come out with her sisters for scratch, and ate some of it. That’s an encouraging sign…

There isn’t anywhere locally that carries Corid - I would have to order it, and earliest it could possibly be here is Monday. Is that worth doing if she’s seeming better today? Would Monday be soon enough if it *is* Coccidiosis?

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