Dark Blotches on Comb


7 Years
Jun 13, 2012
I recently noticed my Blue Andalusian hen is getting these dark blotches on her comb. I don't think they're raised or anything, just discoloration. Kind of disturbing, as she's always had a really nice red comb, but, otherwise she is behaving normally and laying regularly. Anyone have any idea? Just normal chicken aging? She's just over two years old. Doesn't look like the pox images I've seen, and I don't think it's fighting, because she's the boss and we only have two other hens and they have a roomy coop and roost and she gets half of it to herself.

Are you sure it isn't dirt? Have you tried scrubbing with a damp cloth? My Buff Orp had identical patches and they washed right off, it was just mud.
Gee whiz, maybe I should try that. I never washed or scrubbed anything on my hens before, but, I could probably pull it off with this one. Although she has been known to physically attack me. Thanks for the idea. Not much mud around, but who knows what they get into.
There's not much mud here either so I'm not sure how my girl got her comb so dirty! I thought it looked weird too, which is why I grabbed her to see if it would wipe off, and it did. Thankfully my girls don't attack me and are good about being handled. Good luck!

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