Dark Egg Breeds Thread

Geebs to be honest it was hard to tell. Those pics are of the birds "zoomed" in! They really were very spooked about me being in there.

I would say more mahogany if I am to make a judgement call.
Cool!!! You would have wrecked my breeding program in one sentence... ha ha.... I am breeding for the mahogany in the hackle on the females and a good overall color balance in the males.
I like the Mahogany colored feathers also but with the proposed APA standard it will be required that they are Copper if you are to have a chance to win in the shows. I will say also that at ever show I have attended a Straw colored Black Copper has won BOV. I also believe that it is impossible to breed the BC with just one color Hackle. I believe you will always have the three colors.
My little Barnevelder roo "Ugh". I hijacked him from my best friend....she had one lonely chick hatch and so did I so I stole him and brought him home for some company for my little chick. Well if he hadn't been such a sweetie.....she may have gotten him back. LOL!

The only photo that I could get of one of the pullets. Can't wait until they start laying.

Will try to get more photos of the other Barnie gals soon.
I like the Mahogany colored feathers also but with the proposed APA standard it will be required that they are Copper if you are to have a chance to win in the shows. I will say also that at ever show I have attended a Straw colored Black Copper has won BOV. I also believe that it is impossible to breed the BC with just one color Hackle. I believe you will always have the three colors.

I'm trying to work on a more red version of the copper color than what I have on some of my birds now. Some of my hens have had it but the roosters hackles have been on the lighter side. In my 3rd gen I finally got 3 roosters that have the red-copper color to their hackles. But mine have been varied.
I have heard that the Barnevelders are really beautiful birds. I was thinking they were a little more brown than that. Are the young birds darker? When will yours lay Pink Chick?
Those are nice-In every picture I've seen of the Cottage Hill eggs they always look really large and round.
drom~ I have three different lines of Barnies, they have all colored differently. I can tell you that one breeders birds stand out in my little crowd and are darker then the others, they are my favorites. Couple of them have just turned 5 mos. old, we will see what they lay soon I hope. If I were to judge POL by their combs only, it looks like they could be another month away.

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