Dark spot on duck egg! Pleas help!

What I know and what works is Duck eggs should always be hatched on their sides and set a 50% humidity and them at lock down between 60 and 65%...:)....

Ducks are easy if conditions are right...;)...I can hatch them so anyone can..:)....


RavynFallen and WVduckchick taught me lots...:)
Sponging or misting will help to prevent sticky chicks at hatch time, your air cells look a little small but it could be because it looks like your ducklings are also upside down in the shell
No, was I supposed to?

Humidity is definitely too high... sounds like you were usuing wet bulb humidity guidelines, very few still use that...

Best way to determine proper humidity is to track air cell growth... if they don't lose enough moisture (in waterfowl eggs) misting or sponging can help that... sounds counterproductive, but the act of evaporation off the shell pulls more moisture out of the egg, increasing thevair cell size... watch the internal pipped one for having excessive goo or liquid in it...

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