daughter keeps a headache since she gave birth 2 weeks ago

she should call the doctor immediate. could be high pressure, lack of certain vitams, blood clot, etc. she could go blind or have stroke. this is not to fool around. or a tumor
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There are obviously a LOT of different possibilities. She needs a professional medical evaluation; it it is only something simple that can easily be remedied at home, oh well. BUT, it is is one of the possible serious conditions, she will have the necessary medical treatments to minimize the impact.
I 100% agree, with both parts
But yes, happy mamas DO make for happy babies. I would definitely try to get her to contact her dr.
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I had a blood clot discovered a week after giving birth, I was told it was from the pressure of contractions. Even if its only a matter of dehydration she should consult her Dr just to be safe. Even just calling him/her with the problem they can tell her if they want her to come in.
No, not strange, you sound like a good, devoted husband. Thank you for your input.

I totally agree. I think your sweet
I really hope your DD consults a doctor.
We just had an acquaintance of ours die in her sleep, after having a bad headache for days.
She was only 38 years old, and seemingly in good health. Just a week before, she was one of the contestants in a Geocaching Rally we took part in. She had a great joy of life and it was such a shock to hear what happened.

A 2 week headache is not normal, and needs to be looked at.
they doctor wont see her until friday. I am thinking an er visit may be in the works... I dont think she should wait until friday

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