Day 19 Eggs Hatching Accidentally Opened Bator

Ooo that's good news!

The humidity is at 65% now is there anything she should do? I've said leave alone because they all seem to be making progress but I've never used an incubator so I'm not sure if this is the right advice.
They sound like they are going as they should. I wouldn’t worry unless it’s past the time frame
What an interesting idea!

It seems there are three that have hatch just fine and one has hatched but has one leg that isn't coming down.

It is almost like it's not able to stretch it out. Can anything be done!
How long ago did he hatch? Can you get a photo?

About 2 hrs ago I think, I got the message about 5pm to say this one hatched. I haven't had a photo yet. I was on a video call and the other leg is normal, the gammy leg is bent upwards at the 'knee' just like it's tucked up.
About 2 hrs ago I think, I got the message about 5pm to say this one hatched. I haven't had a photo yet. I was on a video call and the other leg is normal, the gammy leg is bent upwards at the 'knee' just like it's tucked up.
A picture would help, it hasnt been hatched for too long so I woudnt panic yet.
is the leg locked in this position, if they try very gently to stretch the leg out a little? (Very gently and cautiously). Is it swollen at all?
A picture would help, it hasnt been hatched for too long so I woudnt panic yet.
is the leg locked in this position, if they try very gently to stretch the leg out a little? (Very gently and cautiously). Is it swollen at all?
It's okay, the umbilical was caught under the leg so was keeping it tied up to the body but it's freed it now 👍🏼
Turning off the incubator would be far more dangerous than opening it. Shrink wrapping is a common fear but rarely actually happens. You'd have to have the incubator open for a decent amount of time before the membrane would dry out.
I meant turning the turner off, not the incubator. Some incubators have a separate set up for each of them.
Great news, so all hatched and doing alright?

4 hatched and one passed. It was just weaker from the start and I think the humidity was not perfect during incubation.

I would like to incubate with the same incubator so need to figure the humidity out

3 chicks are doing really well but we are now wondering if our Marsbar Roo is the father.

There was one white egg from a white hen hatch a bright light yellow chick.
One blue egg from a Araucana that chick is a darker yellow with a fleck of black/grey like mum.
And one brown egg produced a kind of chipmunk chick that could be from an ISA brown, Rhode rock, barred rock, Welsummer and unlikely ones because they are more pink usually a blue orp or lav brahma.

The father options are Marsbar (barred), lemon Cuckoo Orp (barred), Speckled Sussex.

Goodness knows what has hatched! Frustrating because I was hoping to see what the olive egg breed back to brown and blue would turn out and now they may not even have that Roo as the father!

DH is building another run/coop so our hero Roo can stay with his own set of girls. Hero and Charlie have become buddies but know this won't last, some sort of battlefield honor after they both took on a fox and won saving all the girls 💞
3 chicks are doing really well but we are now wondering if our Marsbar Roo is the father.
Photos of the chicks and the possible parents would really help.

You may want to start a new thread in the "what breed or gender" section of the forum, because this is really a new question, and it is more likely to be seen there by the people who are good at identifying chicks & parents.

Sometimes it will be obvious right after they hatch, sometimes as they grow, and some chicks will always be an unsolved puzzle (depending on what traits the chick has, and what birds are in the flock.)

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