Day 19 Halfway Over Already! Stage One, the first 49 Eggs * PIPS!!!!*

Then you need to try clucking like a mother hen!!!!! Don't ask me how I know it works!!!

Jordan, it still counts if chicks hatch from a broody!!! You might as well have a bator so you can hatch on your own time table!!!! Come on. . .you know you want one!!!

Cyn, I'm thinking that whoever posted that they are all just getting ready to start exploding like popcorn (or pipcorn like you said) is right!!! I smell a conspiracy here!!! Those little devils!!!

Hey Cyn, just checking in to see how's it going on your end. I haven't been able to get a darn thing done today. I dropped dd off at piano and rushed home to check on the progress. It's slow! The waiting is soooooo

Come on chickies!!!!! Sending hatching vibes your way!
I bounced the vibes right back to you, LOL. I have yet another Welsummer egg and Mandy's second egg pipped just now. Gee, I think I've lost count! Is that about 14 total pipped? 4 Welsummers, 1 Buff Orp, 1 Ameraucana, 3 RIRs, 3 Blue Orpingtons, 2 Barred Rocks... yep, 14 pipped right now. Nobody wants to come out! Are they waiting for everyone to show up in the parking lot before they go in to start the meeting?

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