Day 19 Halfway Over Already! Stage One, the first 49 Eggs * PIPS!!!!*

No more pips. No zipping. Just sitting and waiting for others to join the party, I guess. This will be a loooong night.
Oh, I can't wait! Cool! Thanks, Lori. OH, just saw another Welsummer pip, this time in the Cooler-Bator. I put two in there just so I could see them better when they hatch.
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STILL no zipping, just chirping and resting. Why won't they come out????

While waiting for them to get a move on, I decided to candle Jody's remaining 10 Buff Orpington eggs and my one Blue Orp in the Fridge-a-Bator since they are going into Day 14. I removed one Buff Orp that had expired since the 7-day candling, but all others are doing fine.

BTW, I have yet another of Julie's RIR eggs pipped just now. All pips, no zip yet. That's 16 pips out of 49 eggs and the first one to pip has been pipped for 23 hours now.
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